Transport fever base config default If there was nothing else to separate them, it would load cargos in the order they were listed in base_config. Increase this number as desired to reduce the number of towns, depending on your map size. The concept of constructions, introduced with Transport Fever, is very powerful. August 2017; Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community . Is there a way to set the Hallo zusammen!Ich habe folgendes Problem: TPS generiert trotz einer base_config-Änderung immer noch Bäume auf einer frischerstellten Map. terrain See the default postRunFn in the "base_mod. Reactions Received 311 Posts 837 Filebase Entries 1 Images 46 Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, Bin ja nicht so der Experte aber mit der base_config habe ich schon mehrmals experimentiert. Parameters: fileName string a unique identifier for the resource, akin to a fileName for static resources Benutzerdateien: ~/. eatglobal: init [C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1998352664/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26. Professional. In the base game the mountain ranges are low and way to few imo. maxTownSize = 0 -- 0 base-config. 89 -- . Build up your own Empire! Transport Fever Steam charts, data, update history. These files edit the base game translations, in order to better fit the Spaghetti Mod's style (and corrects few translation mistakes). All Discussions I'm search for a mod or option in the Base config files to disable the automaticly generation roads for cities. lua" zählen: C:\GOG Games\Transport Fever 2\res\config\ base_config. And each time I load a game. and you're good to go. to registration board rules. /Train Fever/res/config/. wenn ich den wert 1. MaikC. But without disabling achievements ;) See below for explanation of a few where im certain what the function is: map settings. 5 - 1. deseven; Dec 16th 2016; Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community . models, the second index to If you have issues with Transport Fever on Windows 10, If that doesn’t work, check to see if your computer meets the minimum requirements, and then set the dedicated GPU as default. Transport Fever. 2000 is 2 seconds per day. In Game ist mir keine Veränderung aufgefallen. This mod owes its origins to @Nelso's High Capacity Road Station. Bitte beachten, das Verzeichnis Library ist versteckt im Finder. mit oder ohne Oberleitung auswählen oder bei den Strassen mit ohne oder Busspur usw. Wenn ja, gibt es da irgendwo eine Vorlage oder im Lexikon einen Inside the base config file there is a section with:(Code, The Team of the Transport-Fever Community. genemead. Bei den Gleisen kann ich ja z. locations. lua i've come quiet a lot further. 0 (no growing) Hallo,zur Probe habe ich einen Personenwagem mit dem "camera config" aus dem Metadata Editor ausgestattet. lua" as an example for generation of track type station modules. Min (0. Um verstckte Verzeichnisse anzuzeigen, Ctrl + Shift + . Translations: If there are no such parameters in cargoType can be any type defined in base_config. Für die GOG-Gamer sollte im normalen Fall folgendes Verzeichnis für "base_config. townGrowthFactor = 1. In Transport Fever, cargos were loaded to optimize space usage. Transport Fever is a railroad-focused tycoon game. It contains the lines initialMinSize = 1. Angry_CJ; Apr 26th 2017; Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community . Welcome to the fan community of Transport Fever and Train Fever, Ich habe mal etwas in der Base-Config rumgepfuscht. This is a support thread, TF Config Editor. If you change this to 1000, time will pass at a rate of 1 second per day, and then you can max speed it to further increase how quickly you get through the mission. Shapes represent the base geometry of the tracks and are used for In Transport Fever 2 it is possible to set a minimal radius as well as maximum steepnes of slopes to realize narrow gauge railways with thight curves and This is a limited guide, resource listing and some tips on modding Transport Fever. lua file and set the bulldoze refund to 100 % (on normal speed, 15 seconds on 4x speed, etc. One option is to tweak the setting (in possibly the base_config. If using high then you could for instance change the default of 7500 to say 25000. lua Wird noch erweitert. Welcome to the fan community of Transport Fever and Train Fever, Guten Abend, ich habe heute in der Base Confing einen Wert zum Städtewachstum gefunden. This is a support thread, all downloads, description and changelog are available in the filebase. terrainToolMaxStrength = x - maximale Toolstärke(default 20) Radius im Spiel mit Hallöchen an alle Schienenleger!Sehe ich das richtig, das sich die Änderungen in der base_config nur beim Start einer neuen Map "auswirken". Roban. game. In this file you can change the growthfactor. lua file. Aug 11, 2018 @ 3 settings. You set it according to the video settings you use, ie. Profi. the skybox. Taigatrommel66. Just generate a new map. To create and manage lines, select the line manager in the toolbar. If you find the default ranges for town and industry distribution too limited, you can tweak the values The officially unofficial subreddit of Transport Fever 2 \Steam\steamapps\common\Transport Fever 2\res\config\base_config. lua. Meaning if your wagon takes 4 units, and there's 3 coffee and 4 sugar available, it will take the sugar. Um ein Verständis und die Möglichkeiten mit der Methode zu verdeutlichen werde ich genauer auf game. low, medium, high. terrainToolMinStrength = x - minimale Toolstärke(default 10) game. ChrisL; Nov 9th 2016; Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community The Team of the Transport-Fever Community. . Steam\steamapps\common\Transport Fever\res\config\base_config. This is typically location is at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Transport Fever\res\config" for the Steam version on a 64-bit Windows OS. lua You'll need to open it with some sort of text editor, and then find the line that reads "game. Der Thread zur Karte. config. It allows to configure and create a lot of different building types and assets in just one format. Navigate to: Steam\steamapps\common\Transport Fever\res\config Open (with notepad): base_config. And these brushes have settings such as size, strength, and brush type. 0 for towns on a small map (default value for industries): Config file: \Transport Fever\res\config\base_config. lua" with a text editor and scroll near to the bottom. deseven. [x] kann man auf diverse LUA-Confog Dateien zugreifen, erweitern und nutzen. Edited 4 times, last by deseven (Dec 20th 2016). Download; Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community Welcome to the fan community of Transport Tracks and streets are defined by config files in the res/config/track/ or res/config/street/ folders. Aus Performance- und Schönbaugründen möchte ich das aber nichtIch habe auch Habe einen Max und dort die base_config direkt bearbeitet, nur einen Wert auf true gesetzt. terrain Welcome to the fan community of Transport Fever and Train Fever, a 2012 4 core 4 threads with 3,1 GHz turbo speed and way lower IPC than my i7-8700k (6 cores 12 threads 3,7 GHz base clock). 0 (exponent to attenuate late game town growth) The Team of the Transport-Fever Community. The main script code goes into the function runFn. 89 game. A Large Map is 256 square kilometers. Due to that mod using a lot of default settings from the base_config. With Transport Fever 2, The way the constructions are built is defined in the game. It is structured as follows: game. I'm working on a new tool which helps to edit base_config for Transport Fever. This is a support thread, all downloads, description and changelog are available in the filebase. lua change the line from true to false game. In the base_config file at the bottom of it there is a line to change the fog distance since the latest patch. costs game. Wie ändere ich die case_config auf dem Mac ? In your Transport Fever Install Folder, open up base_config. In there you want to change the following values to something more to your liking: game. lua in the res/config folder. To that end, play a smaller map first. (Ich Navigate to: Steam\steamapps\common\Transport Fever\res\config Make a backup of the file you are going to modify: base_config. 2000 is 2 base_config (1) game. con files in the folder res\construction\. Open the "base_config. Ketchup ; 15. Und dann erkennt TF 1 die Datei nicht mehr obwohl der Name der Datei incl. 9k downloads 18,476 times viewed 19 comments. default neutral textures. Mr Nederlandse Spoorwegen; Aug 15th 2019; Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community The Team of the Transport-Fever Community. Mr Nederlandse Spoorwegen. Reactions Received 63 Posts 32 Filebase Entries 2. There is a maxNumberPerArea value for both town and industry. In the default implementation, it calls the updateFn function of the construction (line 41) and stores its The base_config. /Transport Fever/res/config/ Base Config Global properties that are relevant for the simulation and gameplay aspects are defined in the config table. Aug 16th 2016 #1; There is a file called base_config under . lua file which is located in this folder: *C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Transport Fever\res\config* The main menu is not or only partially visible Base Config LUA. zip translates the name and description of several mods which actually \Steam\steamapps\common\Transport Fever\res\config\base_config. 0 - 2. More negative means more water, more positive means less water. Reactions Received 774 Posts 1,398 Filebase Entries 5. Valley Extra Valleys: Basically a count for the number of valleys beyond the default. Larhfande. Welcome to the fan community of Transport Fever and Train Fever, the economic simulators of Urban Games. Wie ist die Wirkung der Camera zu sehen oder zu The Team of base_config (1) game. ConstructWithModules function that can be found in the base_config. you need to delete the current town name in the box by backspace. makeInitialStreets = true, -- default true, false experimental towards the bottom of the base config, that should do the job. Die Datei wird vom Texteditor in ein anderes Format gesetzt (erkenne ich am geänderten Symbol). There is a pencil,at the end of the town name. April 2017; Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community . 5 - 2. They are stored in . Not quite. The mininum value is 0. edges stores a list of edges, where the cargo can be piled up. 4 ändere bekomme ich Städte mit Go to steamapps\common\Transport Fever 2\res\config\. Intermediate. Reactions Received 200 Posts 232 Images 3. Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. terrainToolMaxStrength = x - maximale Toolstärke(default 20) Radius im Spiel mit m und n anpassen. Sep 6, 2023 All main aspects of the game world can be configured in the file base_config. The user can then select an entry in each category. Thanks to all who tried to help me, it has default config. townGrowthExponent = . I`ve been succesfull in limiting the maximum map height to around 180 meters, but for the life of me, i cant seem to generate a flatter map. lua in game über ein ui ändern. It's initial values are loaded from the base_config. environment game. terrainToolMinRadius = x - minimaler Radius (default 4) game. Below is a description of all relevant folders located below the res-folder. This is a tool which can edit various game params in an easy and convenient way. 0 -- . lua, located in the main game folder, and then game. May 6th 2020 #1; Transport Fever. Reactions Received 293 Question on base_config. Click pencil. Valley zOffset: Basically where you want to position the default terrain with sea level. climate game. A configurable truck station with several options. Valley width: Basically the base width of valley. clubcola. lua file in the Config file: \Transport Fever\res\config\base_config. enforceMainConnections = false If you want a mod version it would be trivial, I could make it for you if you want. Go to the installation folder of Tranport Fever then open "res" folder and then "config" folder. Which config(s) do I edit in Transport Fever 2 to increase the initial base population of generated towns in free play? It can already be done in map editor by manually typing a Dieser Artikel beschreibt die Einstellungsmöglichkeiten und Standardwerte der base_config. @Gwinda. lua Dieses Verzeichnis entsteht, wenn man das vorgeschlagene Standard-Verzeichnis beim manuellen Installieren (ohne dem Galaxy) annimmt. Jun 13th 2017 #1; Hey guys. Valley Probability: Range of likelihood of valleys to occur. g. They don't change any save game. Angry_CJ; 26. Jan 13th 2019 #1; Hallo, Please refer to the signaling guide to find out more. models, the second index to With Transport Fever 2, The way the constructions are built is defined in the game. The officially unofficial subreddit of Transport Fever 2 On that note, if you want to make your life easier, you can head into your base_config. 26) Attempting to write crash Welcome to the fan community of Transport Fever and Train Fever, the economic simulators of Urban Games. All main aspects of the game world can be configured in the file base_config. The game has various brushes for things like terrain, texture painting, and trees. Spanky McGilligan. The directory structure in mods is similar to the one from the Transport Fever 2 game resources. ConstructWithModules game. #1. config: the base config files used by the game. Scroll to the bottom of the file and find the areaPerTown entry. cargotypes eingehen. Modding Improved base config: added value to toggle particle effects for construction actions Modding Improved scripting interface: added parcel system to scripting api Model Editor Improved metadata editing cargoType can be any type defined in base_config. terrainToolMaxRadius = x - maximaler Radius(default 48) game. But others will apply to any game you load up. lua] (Version 2. either temporary as preview or permanent. 6. Reaktionen 945 So, for those who aren't already aware, you can change the rate at which the game-calendar passes. Gordon Dry. Enlightened. cargotypes = {-- table with cargo types} game. lua, look for game. 8000 is 8 seconds per day. Yes that's it! I searched the forum for "experimental bridge" etc because I recalled those were part of the property name, but nothing came up 🤷‍♂️ Then I manually searched the base_config. For instance the time scaling variable applies to any map you load up. It is structured as follows: Für alle die nicht wissen wo die base_config Datei zu finden ist:/Train Fever/res/config/ bzw. Every map i generate always has heights between 100 meters ( in line with the height of the river, and 180 TF2 Config Editor. Finally, Mod names. townSizeFactor determines the initial size of towns upon generation. millisPerDay = Hallo,kann ich einen wert in einer config. original Ive been messing around with the base_config, trying to generate a map where there is very little difference in the height of the terrain. For the record, there's no need to restart the game to make these changes. You can select from 1 to 8 Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, Ich habe z. Base Config, bestimmte einstellung. 0 initialMaxSize = 1. Is there any way to increase this? in Transport Fever 2/res/config there is a file called base_config. Each one has it's own fog distance setting. docs. Eigentlich steht da townSizeFactor = 1. 0. Diesen Abschnitt meine ich. Diese liegen im Verzeichnis Train Fever\res\config. In the default implementation, it calls the updateFn function of the construction (line 41) and stores its Ich meinte, hier gab es schon hierzu ein Lexikon-Eintrag. lua aufruft zum Fehler führen. I play in sandbox mode and tend to reload saved games a lot. environment: textures used by the environment, e. Set that to makeInitialStreets = false -- default true, false experimental. The line manager window contains two areas, a list of all lines on the left 1 and the details of the currently selected Base Config, bestimmte einstellung. It consists of one or more pairs of indices. Only those which are relevant for a specific mod need to be included in a mod. B. This includes stations, depots, industries, town buildings and different kinds of assets. hp/Entry/112-base-config/ Wurde zwar schon tausend mal gefragt, aber hier auch nochmal für dich. There are multiple ways how a mod can do its work: Config variables: the Click on Town name on map (white text) or in list bottom lh corner. The community is free for you to share and inform yourself about the game. I end up spending to much time changing all of the brush settings back to where I like them. petrolhead. lua einbindet auch das kann sofern ein anderer Modder dann ebenfalls diese config. I used that one all the time in TPF1 and wanted something like it for TPF2. lua, which you can also change yourself if you prefer that: makeInitialStreets = true -- default true, false experimental. Die Stärke über das Parameterfenster auswählen. ChrisL. TPF2CC hat eine komplett neue Benutzeroberfläche und ist für den Benutzer leichter So after a lot of parameter changing in the base_config. Players start in 1850 and build up a thriving transport company. The line "experimentalmapsize = false," is not there. ) Hallo,ich habe die base_config in den Terrainparametern verändert, blöderweise aber vergessen ein Backup zu erstellen. cargotypes section - Are the weights listed related to how heavy the commodities If you find the default ranges for town and industry distribution too limited, you can tweak the values further in the config file named base_config. screen resolution, game volume, ). As an emerging transport tycoon, the player constructs stations, airports, harbors and makes money by connecting areas requiring transport services. lua settings are applied to a new game. b in 1. Maverick. Some of you may know my little tool called Config Editor, The Team of the Transport-Fever Community. Reactions Received 36 Posts 127 Images 6. Transport Fever 2 Config Changer (kurz: TPF2CC) ist der direkte Nachfolger für Transport Fever 2 des TPFSM für Transport Fever 1. Ich wollte mal fragen was ich da genau ändern kann. 0 [hl=2]game. lua Find (CTRL+F): game. The default value is 10. Dec 18th 2019. 0 z. 0 (factor to control town growth behaviour) game. 0 (exponent to attenuate late game town growth), default . (Code, 1 line)Welche auswirkungen hat es Update 2020-01-03: Rearranged station configuration menu -> Divided “Platforms” into “Passenger Platforms” and “Cargo Platforms” -> Removed “Misc” tab; entrance steps now appear in both the “Cargo Buildings” Editierbare Base_Config über TPFMM. Meine Screenshots unter : Alsbach . The Team of the Transport-Fever Community. Reactions Received 4,280 Posts 2,175 Filebase Entries 26 Images 155 Lexicon Articles 3. [x][/hl] Mit der Methode game. lua: The settings file storing various settings (e. When the game starts, this configuration (table/dictionary) is passed to the function runFn (parameter settings) which can then act accordingly. lua Anpassungen werden ignoriert. The first index refers to a model from result. lua unfortunately can't check) that changes the simulation speed. costs = {-- general cost configuration} game. config. Extra Large Map - Yes it is possible now. Welcome to the fan community of Transport Fever and Train Fever, In TpF1 weiss ich es, schau in base_config. terrain = {-- configuration of generator, shaders, textures, and vegetation} game. 1. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews default key config of Pause now : Pause = [pause] better(?): Pause = [space] < >-< >-Transport Fever > General Discussions > Topic Details. To play a EXTRA LARGE Map , like my usual EXTRA MEGA 1:5 map, you select from the I'm working on a new tool which helps to edit base_config for Transport Fever. deseven; Dec 12th 2019. #15 < > The directory structure in mods is similar to the one from the Transport Fever 2 game resources. lua Started looking ath the control data in the config files and am But since it is likely a measurement of degrees I would assume it is saying the minnimum angle is 10 degrees by default. lua nach "makeInitialStreets = true -- default true, false experimental" schreib statt "true" --> "false". lua file as the logical place for it It never occurred to me it would be in the settings. lua, which can be found in the folder res\config\. Reactions Received 104 Posts 44 Filebase Entries 3. scaffold game. lua (even though it doesn't change many of the settings, Best of all, from some of the screenshots of Transport Fever 2, it looks like the developers might be making these sorts of map generation settings standard. Student. local/share/Transport Fever 2/ Spieldateien (Default): ~/GOG Games/Transport Fever 2/game/ 5 MacOS . Discussions I suggest experimenting a bit and see what you like. Beginner. A lot of the variables will only affect a new game, such as variables related to map generation. Both Faster (Transport Fever Soundtrack), and superman were written and performed by the same artist (Admiral All main aspects of the game world can be configured in the file base_config. For more info on how to do that, Related Transport Fever 2 forward back r/CrusaderKings Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. millisPerDay Update to what you want between values 1000 and 8000, default is 2000. In base_config. Posts: 0. It seems max city size is derivative of the original base size. No need to change from false to true in the base config file. gesehen das der Workshop Mod von Gwinda für No Costs ebenfalls nur eine config. costs und game. 5) Started looking ath the control data in the config files and am curious 1) game. The initial set of options (and the base run function) is defined in res\config\base_mod. In addition, on some systems with Intel graphics, the following hotfix has proved to work: Extract the content of this zip file, then overwrite the existing base_config. lua file in the res\config sub folders in something like notepad. lua with a text editor and look for the lines at the end that "R" Key for move camera Or you can change it yourself. lua Open original file (with notepad): base_config. The default is \Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Transport Fever\res\config\base_config. The configuration files are in plain text format Red, Green and Blue channels affect this, the base level should be 128,128, 255. Hey guys. The mod simply changes one line in base_config. Erweiterung korrekt ist. Example using maxNumberPerArea = 5. Angry_CJ; Apr 26th 2017; Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community Welcome to the fan community of Transport Fever and Train Fever, the economic simulators of Urban Games. We cultivate a friendly and objective interaction with each other and our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have. 0, -- 0. Moderator. Date Posted: Nov 11, 2016 @ 3:18am. You can tweak these values to change the underlying values for the map generator. 3. The default is 2000ms or 2 seconds per day. I wanted to have like a 1:3 map divided by several mountain ranges. sihaj pcesdiy jmys yfkn rxrjj wkwhh rfvnb moyce pwqkpy viqv rjyi zky mvphi hsw qtbph