Single at 30 male reddit. being single in your 30s sounded awesome as a guy.

Single at 30 male reddit Was recently single again at 53. Enjoy yourself and your own company. like egalitarianism and all that but just as a thought experiment, imagine that your prospective partner doesn't have a career and would be impressed with the work and self sacrifice that you do because that would be a symbol of your affection. so I stayed single. All are welcome, please read and abide by the rules in our sidebar. If I waste any time with a man who turns out not to work out, I will likely be too late. S. So, if a guy was not wiling to date a single mother, his options were limited unless he was something special. After passively reading Reddit for years, I decided to sign up and post this dilemma. Focus. Don’t compare yourself to others. Currently I am dating a man 20yr-old-me would have considered "out of my league" and before him, I was actively meeting/going on dates with sweet, kind, normal guys. I was planning to solo travel for six People are single at any age, for any number of reasons. In a neighborhood joint people are more relaxed and a guy might be more open to shooting his shot. Or check it out in the app stores 3 of my male friends aged 42, 43 and 56 are single and childless. While it was lonely at times (and dating in a large city can have a ton of challenges, too), I now know that I’m fine with MYSELF, and that men can come and go and I’ll be fine. Homesense. I had a girlfriend a few years ago but she was cheating on me behind my back and the relationship A more budget friendly brand I highly recommend is CeraVe, specifically their 2-in-1 moisturizing lotion SPF 30 (it's both a moisturizer and sunscreen). Now here is where I talk about a man's brain and I'm most likely going to get some flack but I say this with genuine intentions to be helpful. I keep myself groomed, submitted 10 months ago by Euphoric_Sandwich_74 man 30 - 34. People who are single are expected to work late , do that extra shift and so on. Reply reply Legit signed up for a Reddit account because I feel like I have nowhere to take this anymore. Don't listen to men who tell you no one wants women over 30, or that your "value" decreases or whatever. That depends so much on individual factors (your looks, your location, etc). 6 girls to every guy on the popular islands. During CovidBest thing you can do is get out and socialize naturally via the gym, clubs, bars, etc IMO. The reason dating gets easier for men in their 30s isn't because all the 20 year old women are going after 30 year old dudes the same way men go after 21 year old women, it's because 30 year old men are typically dating 30 year old women. Looking for a wholesome group of adults to have wholesome fun with like cycling or fishing, dinner on the weekend stuff I've sent out the Telegram invite link to those who are interested via Reddit chat. A lot of my single guy friends in their 30s act like they’re in high school and it’s embarrassing. but as a single 34yo man, it's just Times have changed. I’ve had two girlfriends before but both relationships were superficial and there was no element of physical intimacy. Men with kids, men who want kids, men who don't want kids, who like the city, who like the countryside, who are geeks or huge on sport Welcome to AskWomenOver30, an inclusive Reddit community where people can ask question to and discuss topics with women over the age of 30. This includes single fathers. Do 80% of women? Most men managed to find a woman throughout most of history, why can't they now? instead of texting for 6 months when getting a match The problem is getting a match in the the first place. When I look back at the end of my previous relationship, all I can think of is the deep deep emotional intelligence, and "have your own shit together" that both parties require for a relationship to work. the longer it lasts, the closer i'll be to that "defective" guy stereotype when i hit 35. At this age I wasn’t going to places to try meet a lady. 30 isn't old and people, especially gay guys, need to stop acting like 30 is some magical number. From 18, I always lived with my BF's. This is specifically referring to guys who want to meet someone for a relationship. But a google search will do for the non-lazy. I'm not quite sure if it applies to the Philippines, but don't be surprised if 30+ single men are hunting for women below 30 even if you put yourself out there. My hobbies are chess , simracing and jiu-jitsu. As much as I want to take this time to work on myself I feel like having a partner would add so much to my life and is really the most important thing to me. 4) find a lawyer if you need to 5) stack cash and invest in yourself 5) figure out who “you” is. look around at single men in their 30s and you should quickly notice that the pickings aren't good. Women on apps want the top 10% of men. From personal experience, men don't get better with age, we get better with experience. I decided I was going to accept being single for the rest of my life and that was okay. Tdlr; 26 male single, not looking for a r/s ever. I always thought I would get married reasonably young and have kids around age 30. It seems like women from all over the country go to islands looking for a foreign boyfriend to Except if it involves a woman who's under 30 with the man being the older one and on reddit, then he's a "groomer". Most people will hopefully live until their 80 or so and acting like 30 is such a big deal is a sad way to look at things when you have 40-50 years left to look forward to. Dude. Just turned 33. Being single throughout my 30's was the best move I could have made. Unfortunately, there’s usually a reason they are single (sorry, 30-something single guys, I’m sure there are some good ones out there, but Vegas is a unique beast and dating sucks herewe have an over-abundance of people with issues). ive had maybe three 1-year long relationships but they were online with guys, not face to face. Now I realized that there is no “supposed to” - it’s all made up by society. Some men reconcile this and settle down and don't cheat, others lie to themselves, settle Many are divorced or single after a long-term, committed relationship. Those apps are trash, unless you’re top 10% of men that 90% of women swipe on. being single in your 30s sounded awesome as a guy. I’m 30 years old now, single, recently quit my job voluntarily in exchange of money. Now when I talk about men I'm talking about a group of men Age 30-40 that have their shit together. This is nature, and women (mainly) deciding your genes are unfit for propagation. I am a single 30 year old woman. I think I’m too picky when it comes to finding a partner. I'm gonna be visiting Chicago next month so hopefully after that I'll have a better sense of the neighborhoods myself. Regardless of whether you date from an app or going out being social in various settings it’s pretty much a no win situation for the good guys Men of Reddit, what is the stigma with single women who are over 30, have never had kids and have never been married? In your opinion, is there something “wrong” with us, or is it all circumstantial? i hear a lot about how being chronically single as a guy makes you less driven to work and that resonates with me. 35 woman, not currently single, but seriously it's where 30+ single, straight women go to wander. I was doing online dating at that time and that was a mixed bag but I met some nice men, but no serious relationships ensued. I do my best to put myself in social situations where I can meet new people but Don't think your chance are dwinling with age. There are plenty of people of all sexulaties and genders who are single and happy. This is so addictive that I have read it multiple times and now yearning for the same. Last relationship was several years ago and haven't bothered trying since. And for those in reddit-land, I can provide a source for the above stat if you really want. Maintain perspective. I am (39M) right there with you brother! Been single for 2 years dated someone but was single for 2 years prior to that. I had a few relationships in my 30s but was mostly single and have been single for nearly all of my 40s (I’m 46 now). I mean I'm open to the idea of a relationship if one comes around, but not looking for one. Hello all, as per the title, I am a 31 year old male in the UK who is genuinely worried I may never meet someone to settle I’m not a man or over 30 lol but I’m in my early 20s and honestly I kind of hope to live out the rest of it content on my own. People want so much to find a worthy companion for life. Sometimes it comes down to we always want what we think we don’t have. Missed so much of my 20’s doing what I thought I was supposed to do. Spent a lot of time forcing myself to grow up. A young man want's a partner who will bear HIS children. Honestly the first couple years post my last relationship I was single because I knew I was falling short in many avenues ie mentally, physically, emotionally, financially. However, you might consider dating out of your usual "pool," like looking for men who don't have high-levels of formal education but who work in the trades- speaking as a biologist who married a tradesman. Welcome to AskWomenOver30, an inclusive Reddit community where people can ask question to and discuss topics with women over the age of 30. Since I was 15, I've had 5 long-term relationships. I'm 30 and From my point of view as a 30+ and, until recently, single guy I was going to a place to hang out and wind down after the work week. I don't think lack of long term relationships is necessarily a bigger red flag than having been in long term relationships. How do I not freak out about my age and relationship status? Even if I meet the right guy now, we would be years away from being able to have kids. 30 year old guy in Saudi Arabia won’t have the same experience as a 30 year old white dude in Bangkok. But yeah, I don't like letting people down. Married people envy other married people. But it was always a welcome bonus. The happiest of our group is a guy who is divorced (and who got royally screwed by his ex-wife) -- he is just happy to have his life back again. There should be no differences between singles who are LGBT or straight over 40. but being over 30 and single was terrifying. Kind of in the same boat. And unsurprisingly these 10% of men have many, many options. it was clear that while they both enjoyed each other's company that the guy was waaaaaaaay more interested than the girl. the list goes on. 135 votes, 317 comments. One of them is doing quite well, the other 2 seem to have their mental problems with that situation, although in both cases the cause and effect is not so clear. Maybe bc I am near NYC but the quality of men here are amazing compared to the small podunk town I'm from, and people don't seem to settle/get married until their 30s/40s here anyway. They are like the stock market. It was hard for a few months, so I allowed myself to grieve I live in Las Vegas, and there are a plethora of single men in their 30’s here. Start to invest in friends and hobbies. Now that I’m 33, I quite enjoy being single. so I ended up with a false sense of what it means to be a man and there was a disease in me because I was the son of my father. Sure there is Don't ever settle. Dating apps don't often work unless you're fine with waaay older men (+10 years) looking for that "mag-aalaga in exchange for security" type of partner. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. They often become single after having that happy married life with kids, and end up having to manage that whole charade. How do you find women / talk to them? Hello everyone! I am putting myself out there so forgive me if it sounds weird. I’m 29 turning 30 next year and I’ve pretty much been single my whole life. Somehow life didn’t go as planned and here I am. This has been a reality for a long time. New Reddit group chat Living Alone Lounge! Two years later I met a man. I'm a guy who's aproach 30 and feel there is way too much adventure to settle down. I’m almost 30 so I’m beginning to panic and feel like I’m running out of time. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 1 vote and 13 comments 181 votes, 229 comments. I have an innocent face and an easy-going personality and attracted all sorts of insecure, aggressive, Type A men in my early 30’s when I first became single. Dating a single mother is often a good time in bed, but she is NOT a woman a young man should consider for a partner. A lot of younger women want nothing to do with men their age. I’m a single 31 year old woman. Pursue what makes you happy and what feels right to you. I know many single people across all age groups. Reading the accounts of women here on Reddit who had kids with shit men has nearly caused my uterus to crawl out of my body. If you’re 30, you can’t act like you’re 21 on a date or near potential love interests and expect them to take you seriously or want to pursue you. Not trying to takeaway from your experience but just saying that I don’t think it’s a bad thing you were single that period of time. That is the norm in many urban neighborhoods. When one ended, the next guy "snapped me up" immediately. I have been wanting a relationship for years and I feel rejected by society. Single late 30’s male and I’m having the time of my life. Hmmm. I asked over there and I was surprised to find the responses 100% positive. Single men over 30, Are you single by choice, and do you want to settle down soon? Any man should read the divorce stories on blogs like Reddit, and should understand the divorce process (and odds) in the U. I would like kids but realize my time is very limited. I also have some good friendships with people who are middle aged and older, as often their kids have flown the nest and they aren't as fixated on finding a partner. I'm 30, I'm a guy, I've been in two longish relationships, the second was my first serious relationship (the first was serious, but complicated). Married people in the office also have an easier time getting time-offs coz 'family'. I’m turning 30 in just a few days and I don’t have the friends “tribe” I thought I would. They should also fully understand custody disputes and alimony. I have to say I love the freedom and independence I have. Some choose to live that way. Been single most of my adult life as a matter a fact the struggle is real. You’ve got this!! One of my favorite songs recently has been Feather by Sabrina Carpenter. Is it the opposite of western culture. A regular mid-20s guy would be lucky to find a GF with just one kid. In fact, I would say that guy is far MORE responsible than the guys who have multiple children by multiple women because they don't like how condoms feel and are on their second marriage. There are people dissapointed by love everyday, at every age and it's their greatest hurt. it fucked me up. Some men decide that being single and having fun is better than being with one woman all the time. For years I rejected my mental health in order to "try and succeed Horrifically depressed at being single at almost 30, feels like it’s over So I’m 29/m and i’ve always really struggled with dating. If a guy is choosing to be single and not have a relationship for his own reasons this does not really apply. It was richer in a lot of ways, and she gave up a great deal as well to make her life with a man who, naturally, didn't want every single thing she wanted. I’m now in my 3rd year, and I’ll say 2 things: 1) you’ll find that a lot of the time, especially your 1st couple years, being single is an advantage as a student. Also I'm a guy so it's easier for me to travel and to get to know genuine friends, unlike women who sometimes people try to befriend for inappropriate reasons. . At age 37 I met a divorced guy when we I'm over that 30 yo benchmark as a guy (in the spirit of this other thread) and to be honest I'm really feeling that crisis now. I’ve been using dating apps for a while now but I almost never find men I am interested in. We had plans to start trying for a family this spring. Too much bullshit/drama. I’m am a below average looking guy, I’m brown and TL;DR: feeling a bit down with being single in my 30s, and not knowing what to do. It's a big, bright, safe, comfortable store. 477 votes, 187 comments. Grocery stores, no, that's a chore, please don't bother us there. I find single people (especially singles aged 18-35) often use friends to fill a void, then neglect those connections as soon as they find a partner. Now suddenly when I'm near 30 and getting approached by women, this made me realise that I was never a guy who seemed fun to be in a relationship with but now I'm a guy who's decent enough to be settled with. I like being able to do what I want when I want without having to check with someone else first. Whatever you make it look like. At this point, I'm choosing my single life over being with someone who doesn't respect, love or Women are taking over and I’m convinced that in the next 20-30 years it’ll be the norm that we stay single and realize how taxing it is being in LTRs with men. But yeah. I remember seeing a post on here a long time ago, a guy wanted to basically stop dating entirely until his 30's when he believed he would have money, more smv (sexual market value) since more women would be attracted to him then. Or check it out in the app stores &nbsp; They are all overflowing with single men specifically there to find dates. Even people who want children are having them later in life. The women chase men there. I’m with you, it’s kind of hard and The problem for those women is that most of the men in their age range (30+) who do meet all of the above standards can have their pick of women, and especially if they're looking to settle If you're a guy you simply will stay single if you try to luck your way into relationships; there are exceptions though such as having large friend circles and being very outgoing. I got married at 24, divorced at 32. Third a perfect man doesn’t exist. I apologise if this comes across as judgemental to anyone. If you can accept these truths you can find love. I met my husband when I was 25 and conceived my first child with him when I was 31; my bff started dating her wife when she was 31 and is starting to try for a child now when she's 33. Married men can be just as uncompromising and set in 30 year-old man here. This changed her life a lot. I had to undergo quite a bit of family issues the last 2 years and they're finally somewhat resolved and settled. Try not to idealize too much. Any guy who is charming and attractive should not have a problem entering into a relationship. Men who are unmarried into their 30's can simply have bad luck; been divorced, a string of LTR not work out, etc. Lincoln Square, Ravenswood are more popular for 30 and 40 somethings but that also means more families and they I became single at 34 after about an 8 year relationship and then was single for several YEARS afterwards. He needs to spend his life work raising and protecting HIS children, not some other man's spawn. To me it's not about age, but about how long a guy has been single. Wealthy, handsome men who stay on dating apps are able to have different women every weekend. She fell hopelessly in love, and it made her so happy she would choke-up when she talked about it. One caveat is that I know a lot of Californians have moved to Austin so maybe it’s different now. I am a 30 year old UK male that was recently dumped by his girlfriend (33) and I am taking it poorly. To each their own! Around some of the places I lived, most of the dating pool was single mothers with multiple kids. Same goes for Marshalls, CT, Lowes, greenhouses, etc. A cross post from AskMen. single men of reddit. And no matter how much "fake it till you make it" I do, I doubt once they find out the truth they'll be keen on a 30 year old guy with zero experience. In my experience with my own social circle there is almost always a reason why the guys who are single all the time are. In decent shape, have a decent career and make a decent income. I am devastated and very heartbroken over this as I truly, wholeheartedly believed he was going to be the man I was going to spend my life with. I just turned 30 and have been single for a year for the first time in 10 years. It sounds like you have a plan and have your shit together. Been single since 24 or 25, don’t exactly remember. Little investments then turn into amazing experiences, but it takes time to develop relationships. This isn’t really a one size fits all type of situation just because you’re in your 30s. I don’t really have any friends, honestly. You'll meet someone, and it will probably be when you least expect it. The committed ones don't stay very long. There are many men willing to commit! Just not the 30 year old management consultant at McKinsey 6’2” ex military There are lots of single mothers (automatic next for me unless they’re a tinder casual thing), a handful of “clock is ticking” types (dated one briefly and dumped her quickly when I knew I wasn’t that interested, some crazies, and a very small subset of potentially normal people. I work as a data engineer. Many more single men in the younger age brackets, but in the older brackets there are less single men than single women. i think that would First 30 isn’t old. Good luck, and take care of yourself. you don't have to be perfect, you just have to be better than These answers are ridiculous. Though I’ve had relationships in the past, this was the first that I actually felt truly invested in, and thought would have the legs to move into Proper Adulthood. 30 is still young. It was that smaller group that I told myself I’d take a break from dating but I already feel tempted to go back on dating sites. Online Dating. Homesense is where we go with no real agenda. I also have a pretty cool career that I can travel around if I so chose to. Time will heal. Yeah man it feels strange to be kind of noticed by women. I am in my 30s and still single too. Save some money, work out as much as you can, eat healthy, get good sleep, take care of your skin, etc. If your a man in your 30s and single, that really should be your prime. Men who are professionals or own their own businesses should also When she was 50, she met the man she eventually married. Hey! So I started my PhD at 30, and my girlfriend broke up with me unexpectedly after the first week of classes. Reasons vary all over the place. The remaining 90% of men get very few matches, whether or not they are serious. I was sitting next to two people that were hitting it off on a plane. Married men are most likely to be promoted over single men, women or married women. I've been single for 7 years, and I just turned 30. Don’t move to Texas as a single 30 year old: people get married there straight out of college so your options will be fewer than if you go to east or west coast cities where it’s common to be single at 30. Young men need to think much more carefully and critically about the state of marriage in America, and do their research, before taking the plunge. I'm exhausted by how intractably single I am, which I have been since my last and only relationship ended in 2015, after 10 years. Single male early 30s - neighborhood suggestions? I'm just going off of other comments I've seen on Reddit. Second don’t rush it. Single people envy married people. if you don’t know how ask for help from a female you know - your mom I wasn't comparing what gets you higher pay , obviously moving on to different companies does . I have friends who date just to get out and meet new people, some that don’t date because it’s a hassle and they enjoy their free time, and I also have some that are on the hunt for a husband to begin a family. 7) the dating scene for men is exceptionally trash. I have just turned 30 and have never been in a relationship. This is one of the amazing things I have read on Reddit so far. This is 100% accurate. my looks didn't even drastically change, women just have a sixth sense about confidence and self assurance. The thing about meeting people when you're older is that there's often less time wasting bullshit. I was raised by a single and bitter mother who believed the problems of her life stemed only from the faults of my father. <3 these kind of questions scare me. I'm single, went through 2 breakups while I was younger, last relationship ended about 2 years ago. I'm monogamous and can't find a man who won't be attached to an ex, lies, cheats, is secretly talking to or flirting with women online or does things behind my back. But given we live in a world where it is still easier to be a man and take your pick of good women (particularly if you are a handsome and intelligent man), I do sometimes wonder why certain men are still single over 40. It's no big deal for a man to be unmarried and not have children by thirty. Got broken up with over a text message and then blocked after a 5+ year relationship. I'm closer to 40 than 30, single, male. Reply reply It is harder and more expensive to harvest and freeze your eggs if you are single at 30 and decide you want to have children, as opposed to harvesting and freezing sperm- and men will have fertility for longer. Not everybody gets to reproduce (with men it averages somewhere less than 50% of men, and for women it's somewhere around 90%). Eventually as the trip came to an end, you can see the losing interest but the guy kept trying to restart he conversation. im nearing 30 and havent been able to date or meet anyone for the last entire year because of covid. No reason you shouldn't be in your dating prime. Most seem to be very content with their lives, some questioning whether they are willing to risk being hurt or deal with adjusting the happy life they've built for themselves. Now regretting last 30 years that I wasn’t single sooner, and thoroughly smitten by my new SO who popped up when I wasn’t even looking. once I focused on building on my life, thats when the women started to pour in. I’ve found the potentially normal is most prevalent in Oh man. Within a year we were married. Doesn't back-and-forwards translate into my "30 something male" machinery the same way perfectly. That info comes from reddit (not the real world), and is meant to scare women into lowering their standards. If you didn't get it or want to join please let me know! It's okay bro. Hookups I'm 30 now, and it's crazy for me to see the amount of friends who were in bad relationships, already divorced, in loveless marriages, and lots of men who were in abusive (both physical and emotional) relationships all because in their 20's they all had this mindset that they HAD to be in a relationship and that once they did that, they made it Bullshit - 80% of those men don’t know how to date. Idk man. Just do you. . The only two adult women I've interacted with in the last few months are a coworker (she's great but have no interest in her) and a girl from my chess club who is ten years younger and I've known since she was a child so have no interest in her. Married people are unhappy at times too and envy single people. I would get offered free drinks every night. And although I'm 31 (not 40 but am close and friendly with 3) divorce is a slow, painful death. 100% correct when I was younger, I had that whiny insecure attitude like many men today have, like that "when will it be my turn" attitude. Often. 6) careful chasing women and wasting your time and resources. He posted in a "generation age gap" group about wanting to find a sub, and is in a few other groups that make me a little uncomfortable: Adult girls who look like teens, Young asian subs/slaves looking for older men, 18-25 looking for older doms, tiny petite women who love big beefy men. The 2019 survey lined up almost exactly with the excess of single young men and excess of single older Single mothers often want to get laid, and have experience getting laid. Source: I lived in Dallas for a few Hey there As the title says, I just turned 30 and within the last month my relationship has ended and he moved out of our home. linrouu apb lmeyzr hvjddtd odre mdeu xdzqqx gmmxk lxrbwnux cjhri dxet sdve kzqrzor fuai nosa