Huawei config commands If an IP link is used as the reverse tunnel when BFD detects TE tunnels, configure multi-hop BFD detection for the IP Run the display autoconfig activating-config delay command to check the configured delay in restarting a device. Additionally, the switch no longer supports the commands listed in Table 16-86. After NETCONF is enabled on a switch (with the native AC function enabled), Fit APs are managed by iMaster NCE-Campus by default. To make the plug-and-play function take effect, write the two commands into the configuration file, run the set factory-configuration command to set the configuration file as factory settings, and ensure that there is no input on the console port and no user login. Because, with telnet configuration, we define how to access to this device remotely. IKE local-name. Hotspot2. For example, the Cisco command "configure terminal" is equivalent to the Huawei command "system". A message "Hello, Welcome to Huawei!" is displayed before Command style contrast Huawei configuration views and Cisco configuration modes contrast Huawei configuration views and Cisco configuration modes are quite similar Cisco: User mode, use “>” as prompt, e. If you do not specify configuration-file, configurations are saved to the current startup configuration file. The device provides various display commands to display hardware, interface, and software information. A message "Hello, Welcome to Huawei!" is displayed before Below is list of commands generally used in Cisco platforms and their equivalent Huawei CLI command set. Commands for Clock Source. Commands at this level are service configuration commands. You can use the display stack configuration command to view the stack configuration of member switches, # Display the stack configuration. These commands provide valuable insights into the switch’s status, configuration, and performance This document describes all the configuration commands of the device, including the command function, syntax, parameters, views, default level, usage guidelines, examples, < HUAWEI > display ip fib slot 1 Route Flags: G - Gateway Route, H - Host Route, U - Up Route S - Static Route, D - Dynamic Route, B - Black A keychain has been configured using the keychain command. It lists Cisco commands along with their equivalent Huawei commands. ops stop S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 V200R011C10 Configuration Guide - Basic Configuration. WLAN Roaming Commands . , Ltd. The ap modify command changes This document describes all the configuration commands of the device, including the command function, syntax, parameters, views, default level, usage guidelines, examples, # Display the user who locks the configuration. Global configuration of IKE. In this Huawei Basic Router Configuration lesson, we will talk about the Basic Huawei Router Configuration Commands. networkingfromzero says: February 18 The undo command deletes a specified configuration. The interface status information includes: the physical status, link layer protocol status, description, MTU, IP address, current system time, last time statistics about the null interface are cleared, incoming and outgoing packet rates in bit/s and pps, total numbers of packets and bytes This document describes all the configuration commands of the device, including the command function, syntax, parameters, views, default level, usage guidelines, < HUAWEI > system-view [~ HUAWEI] assign forward segment-routing enhanced After configuring IP subnet-based VLAN assignment, you can run the display ip-subnet-vlan vlan command to verify the configuration. < HUAWEI > display default-parameter interface vlanif 2 Interface state: Below is list of commands generally used in Cisco platforms and their equivalent Huawei CLI command set. txt and generate the yang table corresponding to the command. py < Huawei > system-view [Huawei] ops [Huawei-ops] script-assistant python config. Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Use any of the following methods to obtain full help from a command line. However, you cannot identify the source of mirrored packets by using the display interface command. In this case, the config unlock interval command can be used to configure the unlock interval, after which the device configuration is unlocked automatically. 1. Nowadays GPON Technologies have adopted to many brands Like Cisco , Alcatel Lucent / Nokia , Huawei can you post a working iptv working configuration + a command or how to how to test if it is working? Thank you! Like Like. Using tool to analyze the cli_command_info. Search for: Search. . Example Configuration Command: [Quidway] arp anti-attack check user-bind enable [Quidway] interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1 # Display the running status of Stack-Port1/1 and statistics about sent and received packets on Stack-Port1/1. Item. Local name used in IKE negotiation. < HUAWEI > display default-parameter pim-ssm PIM View Default Configurations: This document describes all the configuration commands of the device, including the command function, syntax, parameters, views, default level, usage guidelines, examples, Huawei devices use the default value 0x8100 while some non-Huawei devices use 0x9100 as the TPID value. # Display the current configuration of LSPV. This is quite helpful especially for Cisco networking Engineers who face challenge when introduced to a new Huawei device for configuration – HUAWEI CISCO EQUIVALENT COMMANDS –CLI CHEATSHEET CISCO COMMAND HUAWEI COMMAND ping Ping After the local key pair is generated in either mode, you need to run the save command to save the configuration file. 1p priority of the VLAN mapping an IP subnet, VLAN ID, IP subnet index, IP subnet address, and IP subnet mask. This is quite helpful especially for Cisco networking Engineers who face challenge when introduced to a new Huawei device for This text is a guide detailing Basic Command Line Interface (CLI) Commands on Huawei brand switches. To set the local name used in IKE negotiation, run the ike local-name command. Skip to content. For example: < HUAWEI > ? Support for Auto-Config autoconfig enable autoconfig getting-file restart autoconfig permit interface autoconfig from pre-factory-configuration display autoconfig activating-config delay display autoconfig activating-config remanent-time Command style contrast Huawei configuration views and Cisco configuration modes contrast Huawei configuration views and Cisco configuration modes are quite similar Cisco: User mode, use “>” as prompt, e. Configuration Impact. This document describes all the configuration commands of the device, including the command function, syntax, parameters, views, default level, usage guidelines, examples, < HUAWEI > display pppoe intermediate-agent information encapsulation The vendor id is: 2011 Encapsulation content contains: Huawei Telnet Configuration. If the device configuration is clocked by the config lock command, other users cannot modify the configuration. Only the entries with the aging time being 0 can be saved. For example: < HUAWEI > system-view [HUAWEI] header login information "Hello,Welcome to Huawei!" Log out of the terminal and re-log in. The statistics include information about synchronization packets on the M-LAG component side, including DFS group negotiation packets (including Hello packets and pairing packets) and . Aquí nos gustaría mostrarte una descripción, pero el sitio web que estás mirando no lo permite. If this command is run and iMaster NCE-Campus displays the device status as registered, the actual registration status is subject to the display netconf connect-status command output. Telnet is one of the important protocols that we use in networking. ap modify. You can run the display ap config-info command to view AP configuration information, including the basic configuration, radio configuration, VAP configuration, and profile configuration. # Display the configuration and running status of Auto-Config. Enter a question mark (?) in any command view to obtain all the commands and their simple descriptions. Cisco(config)# This document describes all the configuration commands of the device, including the command function, syntax, parameters, views, default level, usage guidelines, examples, # Display default configuration of PIM-SM for SSM. py. This document cannot be found. For example: < Huawei > system-view [Huawei] header login information "Hello,Welcome to Huawei!" Log out of the terminal and re-log in. < Huawei > display lspv configuration lspv packet filter 2100 undo lspv mpls-lsp-ping echo enable. To check the current rate of an interface and the rate that takes effect after a device restart, run the display device port-type configuration command. < Huawei > display autoconfig-status Running: This document describes all the configuration commands of the device, including the command function, syntax, parameters, views, default level, usage guidelines, examples, # Configure a policy in the recording scheme scheme0 to record the commands executed on the device. If the ACLs being deleted are applied to services, these services are interrupted. 3-15. This document describes all the configuration commands of the device, including the command function, syntax, parameters, views, default level, usage guidelines, examples, and related commands. Managing network switches efficiently is a critical skill for IT professionals, and Huawei switches are widely recognized for their reliability and advanced features. If ike local-name is not configured on the local end, the name specified by the sysname command is used for IKE negotiation. This command configuration takes effect only after the device is restarted. g. huawei switch cheat sheet. This document describes methods to use command line interface and to log in to the device, file operations, and system startup configurations. The save shareable-configuration command saves configurations to a specified file, generates a root key based on the entered password, and saves the root key to the file. Contribute to kobostone/Huawei-Switch-Command-Note development by creating an account on GitHub. The undo acl all command deletes all types of ACLs on a device. txt. < HUAWEI > display stack configuration Oper : Operation Conf : Configuration * : Offline configuration Isolated Port : The port is in stack mode, but does not belong Usage Scenario. AP entries delivered by iMaster NCE-Campus take effect, and cloud management license resources are consumed. After the authentication key-chain all command is run, the referenced keychain is applied to all LDP peers. This is quite helpful especially for Cisco networking. To create a user-defined ACL, run the acl command. The display interface null command displays the status of a null interface. < Previous topic Next topic > Previous topic Next topic > < HUAWEI > configuration copy file huawei. WLAN Location Configuration Commands . Management. Cisco(config)# This document describes all the configuration commands of the device, including the command function, syntax, parameters, views, default level, usage guidelines, examples, and related commands. < HUAWEI > display interface stack-port 1/1 Stack-Port1/1 current state : UP (ifindex: 210) Line protocol current state : UP Description: Current system time: 2022-06-06 14:00:30 Physical is STACK_PORT Last 300 seconds input rate 1262052156 bits/sec, When analyzing whether the command in the configuration file supports yang, you can turn on the record command, execute the command in the configuration file, and then turn off the record command to generate cli_command_info. It provides step-by-step instructions for users to perform fundamental network configuration tasks on a new Huawei switch. Continue?[Y/N]:y. WDS And Mesh Configuration Commands. The two commands cannot take effect after being executed on the device. Cisco# Configuration mode, use “#” as prompt, e. 168. The vrpcfg. This is quite helpful especially for Cisco You can specify a maximum of five interfaces each time you run the snmp-agent permit interface command. WLAN Security Configuration Commands. < Huawei > ops install file config. The following table lists the display this command group candidate display users execute header hotkey info-center session log disable lock (user view) mmi-mode enable quit reset history-command reset history SMS-based Deployment Configuration Commands Fast Provisioning Configuration Commands First Login Commands UI Configuration Commands User Login Configuration Commands This document describes all the configuration commands of the device, including the command function, syntax, parameters, views, default level, usage guidelines, examples, and related This document provides instructions for basic configuration of Huawei routers, including commands to display device information, configure interfaces and IP addresses, set the host name and password, enable routing Below is list of commands generally used in Cisco platforms and their equivalent Huawei CLI command set. < HUAWEI > system-view [HUAWEI] hwtacacs-server template hw1 This document describes all the configuration commands of the device, including the command function, syntax, parameters, views, default level, usage guidelines, examples, and related commands. These commands are basic but very improtant commands for This document describes all the configuration commands of the device, including the command function, syntax, parameters, views, default level, usage guidelines, examples, and related commands. This document describes all the configuration commands of the device, including the command function, syntax, parameters, views, default level, usage guidelines, This document describes all the configuration commands of the device, including the command function, syntax, parameters, views, default level, usage guidelines < HUAWEI > display netconf configuration----- Configuration begin----- controller ip-address 10. < HUAWEI > system-view [HUAWEI] ospf 100 [HUAWEI-ospf-100] area 1 This document describes all the configuration commands of the device, including the command function, syntax, parameters, views, default level, usage guidelines, examples, < HUAWEI > system-view [HUAWEI] acl 3001 [HUAWEI-acl-adv-3001] rule deny tcp destination-port eq telnet [HUAWEI-acl-adv-3001] quit This text is a guide detailing Basic Command Line Interface (CLI) Commands on Huawei brand switches. Precautions. WLAN Spectrum Analysis Configuration Commands. ops stop process. Description. The text Now, it’s time to share about some basic Commands at OLT Huawei. A user-defined ACL defines rules for filtering packets based on contents extracted from a specified offset. < HUAWEI > display arp cache evn-name evna < HUAWEI > configuration copy file huawei. py < HUAWEI > ops run python config. The ops stop process command stops a running OPS task. Using the Command Query Tool. This document describes all the configuration commands of the device, including the command function, syntax, parameters, views, default level, usage guidelines, examples, < HUAWEI > display ntp statistics packet NTP IPv4 Packet Statistical Information ----- Sent : In local port mirroring, the local observing port has been configured using the observe-port command. When entering a command, you can use the full help function to obtain keywords and parameters for the command. In this way, < HUAWEI > system-view Enter system view, return user view with return command. configuration copy startup to file. This document describes all the configuration commands of the device, including the command function, syntax, parameters, views, default level, usage guidelines < HUAWEI > ops install file config. 1 port 10020 controller ip-address 192. run the undo startup saved-configuration command to clear the configuration file for next startup and delete all the configuration files in the storage device. Usage Scenario. The header command configures the header information displayed on terminals when users log in. By default, there are 5 sessions (0 to 4), to increase it to the maximum value, 15 sessions (0 to 14), we use “user-interface maximum-vty 15” command. The information helps you locate various faults. 2. zip file is the default system configuration file with empty configurations in initial state. If a configuration-level user runs the save command, the configuration file can be saved only to the root directory. Function. About This Document. [HUAWEI] rsa peer-public-key rsakey001 encoding-type der Enter "RSA public key" view, command-privilege level rearrange custom-link name diagnose display calendar display history-command display history-command all-users display language charset conversion preview display language charset exception configuration display this header language character-set utf-8 language-mode matched upper-view quit (all views) reset history-command Usage Scenario. Support Documentation WLAN AC AirEngine 9700 VDSL Interface Configuration Commands. This document describes all the configuration commands of the device, including the command function, syntax, parameters, views, default level, usage guidelines, examples, and related commands. This command can be used by only the super administrator (run the user If fwm is not specified, you can run the display dfs authentication status command to query the authentication status and statistics about encrypted DFS group synchronization packets. This document describes all the configuration commands of the device, including the command function, syntax, parameters, views, default level, usage guidelines, examples, # Display the default configuration of VLANIF 2. 2 port 10020 Information Center Configuration Commands. Support Documentation WLAN AC AirEngine 9700 The two commands cannot take effect after being executed on the device. Support Dokumentationszentrum Switches Data Center Switch CloudEngine 12800&16800 Reference Guides Befehlsübersicht This document describes all the configuration commands of the device, including the command function, syntax, parameters, views, default level, usage guidelines, examples, < HUAWEI > display default-parameter vlan 10 VLAN ID : 10 Type : Common Status : undo shutdown Broadcast This document describes all the configuration commands of the device, including the command function, syntax, parameters, views, default level, usage wlan [HUAWEI-wlan-view] ap manufacturer-config ap-name N1-2 Warning: Reset AP to the manufacturing default configuration, continue?[Y/N]:y. IKE Global Config. It also provides examples of basic Huawei Auto-Config Commands Auto-Start Configuration Commands USB-based Deployment Configuration Commands SMS-based Deployment Configuration Commands Fast Provisioning Configuration Commands First Login Commands UI Configuration Commands User Login Configuration Commands HTTP Server Commands File Management Commands Configuring Command Line Interface Configuration - Huawei Technical Support The two commands cannot take effect after being executed on the device. The undo command deletes a specified configuration. Fault Management Commands. CLI Overview Commands First Login Commands UI Configuration Commands User Login Configuration Commands File Management Commands Configuring System Startup This document describes all the configuration commands of the device, including the command function, syntax, parameters, views, default level, usage guidelines, examples, and related Huawei Router Configuration. Commands at this level are system basic operation commands that support services, including file system, FTP, TFTP, user management commands, command level configuration commands, and debugging commands. < HUAWEI > display configuration-occupied user User Index: 34 User Session Name: VTY0 User Name: You can run the display ap config-info command to view AP configuration information, including the basic configuration, radio configuration, VAP configuration, and profile configuration. To prevent BFD session flapping caused by card reset and hot swapping, run the shutdown (BFD session view) command to terminate a static BFD session or delete relevant BFD configuration commands to delete a dynamic BFD session. By default, the device is restarted immediately if no delay is set using the Option 146 parameter. The AR109, AR109W, AR109GW-L, AR129, AR129CVW, AR129CV, AR129GW-L, AR129CGVW-L, AR129W, AR169, AR169CVW, AR169CVW-4B4S, AR169EW, AR169EGW-L, AR169F, < Huawei > system-view [Huawei] set workmode slot 1 vdsl atm Warning: Changing the working mode will reset the board in slot 1. An observing port or server can be applied to port mirroring and traffic mirroring simultaneously. Energy-saving Configuration Commands. Format. To restore the maximum rate of 1000BASE-X interfaces to 1 Gbit/s, run the undo assign port-type xge command. When you run this command, pay attention to the following points: In the output of "display lldp neighbor brief" command on a Huawei network switch, "XGE2/0/6" and "GE3/0/8" are both interface names that represent different ports on the switch. This command displays the 802. In a router, telnet configuration is also important. To locally manage APs (using Configuration. This document describes the configurations of Basic, including CLI Overview, EasyDeploy Configuration, USB-based Deployment Configuration, Logging In to a Device for the First Time, CLI Login Configuration, Web System Login Configuration, File Management, Configuring System Startup, BootLoad Menu Operation. To optimize network performance and troubleshoot issues effectively, understanding the right query commands is essential. The configuration file configuration-file-name must be available before this command is executed. The command configuration is not recorded to the configuration file and the command will become ineffective after the switch restarts. py Info: Succeeded in installing script assistant config. Example # Display the configuration of AP huawei . Cisco> Privileged mode, use “#” as prompt, e. This document describes methods to use command line interface and to log in to the device, WLAN Radio Resource Management Configuration Commands. NTP Configuration Commands. The latest configuration overrides the previous one. 0 Configuration Commands. For example, before you run the command, the NMS can connect to three physical interfaces GigabitEthernet 1/0/0, GigabitEthernet 2/0/0, and GigabitEthernet 3/0/0 on the device. cfg to running Warning: This operation may take a long time, press CTRL+C to break. 0, 1, 2, and 3. IKE heartbeat-timer interval MACsec Configuration Commands - Huawei Technical Support By using this command, you can save the blacklist and whitelist to the configuration file configuration-file-name. You can run the display startup command to check the name of the current startup configuration file. rqlu epcfqo frjkkd xedwa xad odrgj qitcv rjjzxo fpg jhwef slobi sobj khcgd wwtbbv jyxv