Bl3 cutpurse farm It's really fast at it since each of the 7 pellets (14 if Redundant) returns 8% ammo. Otto Idol is a legendary artifact in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Eridian. Melee, Slide, and Slam Damage deals +80% Bonus [Element] Damage. Hope you all enjoyed!━━━━━━━━━━━━━📱 DISCORD https://discord. This video will show you w Cutpurse. It is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source, but has an increased chance Cutpurse. Then you get all 3 Bonuses after re-equipping the Grave Artifact. Or Fl4k with leave no trace. com/borderlands3/users/ Skeksil, so underrated. I also have the Unleash the Dragon artifact as an option. I even use purples bc you can get just the prefix as an artifact. I got multiple icebreaker victory rush, cutpurse launchpads, mitosis Hunter seekers, recurring hex, and a few cmods keepers. Feel free to ask for help watering, ask questions (there is no such thing as a stupid question), share your gardens, trade flowers with each other, or get information on the newest flower breeding information. gg Cutpurse: Dealing Melee, Slide, or Slam Damage restores 13% Ammo for you and your allies: Elemental Projector +129% [Element] Damage for elemental status effects applied to you. shields and grenades. nexusmods. Add a Comment. Knife Drain +75% Melee/Slide/Slam Borderlands 3 - RARE SPAWN ARTIFACT - Cutpurse Launch Pad20% Assault Rifle Dmg - 50% Mag Size - 25% Action Skill Cooldown RateToday we have more new weapon d Cutpurse. The Scraptrap nest don’t drop dlc gear but just base game world drops. To collect and equip the Legendary White Elephant, you need to own the BL3 Base Game. I figured Graveward would be best but curious to see if anyone has a better area. With loot ghosts on and the hidden spawn showed here, you'll Borderlands 3 - More Legendary drops for you guy's to claim, if you Would like one of these DUE to not dropping for you while farming then please leave a com I’m on a hunt to explore every inch of the BL3 works to find any gun you guys list!!!!! Most amazing - most destructive - rarest!!!! Go!!!!! Share Sort by: Best. [Element] Stone: Melee, Slide, and Slam Damage deals +80% Bonus [Element] Damage: Electric Slide: Slide: +95% Shock Damage While sliding shock beams chain up to 7 Best prefixes are ice breaker, last stand and cutpurse (if you do a one gun type build). Bl3 legendary drop rate is actually fun Borderlands 3 is packed with things to do and things to loot. 7 - 23. 5%. Fans of the game are looking for any advantage they can when it comes to getting more of it. Invesr into a cutpurse mod, you need I go over Launch Pad a Legendary Artifact in Borderlands 3. Director's Cut items in Borderlands 3 can come from dedicated sources or the exclusive DLC World Pool. Cutpurse is just a prefix that can spawn on any generic relic. The Cutpurse Launch Pad will fire off homing missiles that count as melee damage. This includes which locations and bosses are the best to gather these equipment! Hey, thanks for the tips and info for bl3. Well you can just use a Cutpurse Launch pad. – Melee damage is increased by 50% when full. The reason why I went Mayhem I is that I have trouble taking down Graveward Is there a more efficient way to farm red rain, mainly want a cut purse launchpad and am tired of doing 5 rounds. It's been helpful. Best passives imo are shock (which does shotgun dmg if it’s the top roll), AOE (can’t be the top roll FYI), and action skill cooldown or movement speed. #Borderlands3 #LootTheuniverse #BEST #ArtifactHey guys! Here is an insane artifact farming spot. Returns damage to enemies that This is a quick guide on where to farm the White elephant artifact in Borderlands 3 builds:https://www. It's because Cutpurse refills the ammo of the gun type currently in your hand. However the objective best is the Cutpurse Launch Pad. Electric Slide: Slides arc beams of Shock to nearby enemies, which can arc to other nearby enemies. Pocket Rockets. Just stared picking up orange items in high level 20's. Utilize the list to SORT, FILTER, and FIND the best weapons for your build. works well on Moze and Zane. ⚠️ [ SPOILER ] ⚠️ Share (Cutpurse refills a percentage of your ammo when dealing meele damage) Reply reply Tom and Xam are great farms. Guns, Love, and Tentacles items in Borderlands 3 can While farming bosses, I ended up picking up a Cutpurse White Elephant artifact from killing Troy on Mayhem I. Eista is a Been farming Graveward like this for several hours throughout several days to get a cutpurse launch pad. *As Amara player: 16. Borderlands 3. But for now, whichever boss you can farm the fastest. I've found 10 of them. My friend told me two days ago that since the last patch the facepuncher cutpurse combo does give some ammo back, just not You can farm new event loot there. I've gotten a couple launch pads but no cutpurse. I got a stop gap with ASS anoint, mitosis HS, recurring hex, all the good cmods and a cutpurse launchpad. Ive got a shock and corrosion tizzy and run the Drone Clone capstone setup with spec to purple sprint n shoot. Cutsman, brainstormer, and recursion are great on everyone. be/6iTryI_bcUI Borderlands 3 - All OUR Cutpurse Artifacts in one place if we have the one you want/need - & Would like one of these DUE to not dropping for you while farmin To gain access to the coveted loot in the Proving Grounds, players will need to have activated the two beacons on Pandora, another two on Eden-6, and one on Promethea. Borderlands 3 - Cutpurse Deathless - 20% A/R Damage + 20% Shock Damage + 50% Mag Size - Been searching our banks for Artifacts - More Legendary drops for you Edit: I have cutpurse Deathless, Otto Idol, Rocket boots, and Moxie’s Endowment, but no Launchpad Farm Scraptrap nest with lootsplosion and a shlooter. looking for a place to easily farm launch pad, which in hopes will spawn with the cutpurse prefix. 1 slam in my test refilled my rocket ammo or SMG ammo to max. Thanks everyone! Related Topics Today i played BL3 for the first time. Is it still worth it to farm for it? And if so, is there a way to farm and shred Anathema quicker than 30 mins per run, 7 minutes per Anathema fight. You can have another gun type in your hand, but you can't melee as fast as however many pellets from a Face Base Game Items in Borderlands 3 are often obtainable from many sources, including those in DLCs. Cutpurse: Dealing Melee damage replenishes ammo for self and allies. It can only be obtained from Anathema the Relentless in the Takedown at the Guardian Breach. Reply reply More replies More replies. [Element] Stone. So, you’re after the Plaguebearer in Borderlands 3? Excellent choice, Vault Hunter! This Torgue rocket launcher packs a serious Cutpurse. Farming Preparations. Knife Drain +75% Melee/Slide/Slam Lifesteal. It is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source, but has an increased chance to drop I start from the red mark because it IS faster. Identify the Best Source: The Sources below are generally ranked from best to worst. I also have gotten a cutpurse launchpad, stop gap with ASS anoint, and a CMT (definitely check the purple drops!), all of Maybe like pair it up with a knife drain or cutpurse artifact? Here’s a zero build farm of katagawa with just the stinger, no skill tree, no artifact or cmod. Look #shortshttps://youtu. The last key weapon is the Face-puncher, best in its Redundant variant, and it is primarily used to replenish shotgun ammo, in conjunction with a Cutpurse or a Bullet Vamp artifact, as both Host and Protuberance are relatively ammo hungry. Check thiccfila I have farmed Red Rain, Capn'Taint, Graveward 100s of times on M10 w/ Shlooter artifact and it's starting to break my sanity. All drops are random but I’ve gotten at least two from general farming. Really enjoying bl3, gotta love moze, she's kept me alive. Or Zane with clone ammo regen. Harker 5. Edit: while doing this farm last night, rng Passives are just as important so if you get a good roll on a purple bullet vamp (purple Cutpurse are called bullet vamps), it works the same. does consume a lot of ammo so having a cutpurse launchpad or some other way to regenerate ammo would be great. Just slam once and it'll regain a huge amount of ammo as the missiles count as melee damage. com/playlist?list=PLCrJE5t Plaguebearer Farming Guide: Your Ultimate Borderlands 3 Resource. Cmods Thanks for watching, hope you enjoyed this quick tip on farming the Company Man Artifact, which in my opinion is the BEST Artifact in Borderlands 3 Looking f Stinger is a legendary shield in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Pangolin. Facepuncher on the clone with a cutpurse gives you infinite ammo on any weapon you are using. To collect and equip the Legendary Victory Rush, you need to own the BL3 Base Game. Identify the Best Source: The Sources below are generally New to BL3, hardest fight so far is Wendigo . Any advice that would help would be great. Worst case it takes 2 hits. Knife Drain To collect and equip the Legendary Company Man, you need to own the BL3 Director's Cut DLC. Ammo refill Combat XP Elemental chance Elemental resistance Melee damage Regeneration Weapon damage Caustic CoastSlide kicks up corrosive shards that explode on #shortshttps://youtu. This makes your slam launch rockets that for some reason count as melee, so just a few slams and you're full of ammo. Depending om vh choice but lightshow free radical monarch hellwalker flipper and farm yourself a revolter for sure Yup. Tip: Equip and unequip a Deathless Artifact to reduce your Health to 1. Track Progress: Track your runs to more precisely predict drops and more clearly monitor progress. Maybe you just want to see a lot of pretty orange beams? then this video is the perfect place to learn how to do that!more. – Slams launch a barrage of homing rockets. The Cutpurse Launchpad. Got two within hours of running the claptraps offline Valheim is a brutal exploration and survival game for solo play or 2-10 (Co-op PvE) players, set in a procedurally-generated purgatory inspired by viking culture. you need to own the BL3 Designer's Cut DLC. If you get the Launchpad in the first place, you only have a 1/23 chance for it to be a cutpurse. Elemental Projector: While suffering an elemental effect, increase your damage with that same element: Fire Stone This subreddit is for the wonderful world of Animal Crossing gardening. I know about Red Rain from Slaughterstar 3000 but if there are any other specifics let Combine Runs: Get more loot per run by integrating nearby sources into your farming route. Since Face Puncher is always a shotgun, it will only refill shotgun ammo. To collect and equip the Legendary Cosmic Crater, you need to own the BL3 Base Game. atlas hq just straight up has no enemies, Ive tryied For the unique relic in Borderlands 2, see Moxxi's Endowment. Amazing farms this week! If you guys, enjoyed the video, be sure to like comment and subscribe!Get Your Merch and Support the Damage Nation! https://teesprin Cutpurse. be/6iTryI_bcUI Friendly reminder fastest way to farm Vault Card XP [ Tips & Tricks ] 💡 equip Moxxi's endowment preferably with the bonus combat xp modifier and equip an xp boost from Tannis's science machine and fight the Ruiner on mayhem 1 rather than mayhem 10 as it gives more xp, mayhem 10 its 2041xp on mayhem 1 its 2500xp Key Items: Redistributor Phasezerker Class Mod Cutpurse Otto Idol (I run this b/c redistributor can be a bit of an ammo hog, and you can switch to Facepucher to completely refill SG ammo-it isn’t a must have if you stay away from shotguns for flex weapons) Shield- look for the best shield that has an ASE annointment - corrosive is best for Cutpurse. Borderlands 3 Legendary Rare Spawn More Legendary drops for you guy's to claim, if you Would like one of these DUE to not dropping for you while farming then **QUICK EXP FARM** If you just want to get to Level 65 then this is the fastest way. I just wish it was more viable for About the White Elephant: The White Elephant is a Legendary Item in Borderlands 3. 460+ kills for mother of Grogan’s killed me one non elemental hunter seeker. This is an up-to-date Borderlands 3 Yeah, pretty much. Borderlands 3 Legendary Rare Spawn More drops for you guy's to claim, if you Would like one of these DUE to not dropping for you while farming then please le Yeah, me too, it was good, not the best but good, and people were saying: "imma wait for promethea better loot and easier to farm" yeah right, its like GB choose the worst maps for this. New And some non-weapon hard to farm gear - Cutpurse Launchpad, ice breaker victory rush, mitosis hunter seeker, and recurring hex. To collect and equip the Legendary Otto Idol, you need to own the BL3 Base Game. Hi everyone, (Not sure which flair is most appropriate for this topic, so I'm sticking with BL3 unless Character build would be better) So I'm trying I have an Amara build with a x2 Free Radical that eats ammo, when I get down to 500 I equip my cutpurse, melee a couple guys and boom I have 1200 ammo. The R. was hoping bl3 could find the same magic Reply reply More replies. The Top 5 BEST Legendary Farms in Borderlands 3 - Still working in 2025Don't forgot to Like and Subscribe: http://bit. Same! I end up having maybe 3 greens after I farm stuff with it. Mancubus is creepily entertaining in the way he speaks. Borderlands 3 - More Legendary drops for you guy's to claim, if you Would like one of these DUE to not dropping for you while farming then please leave a com Cutpurse Launch Pad relic works incredibly well if you have the last guardian rank on which lets you slam from normal jump height. Cutpurse White Elephant with 34% melee damage bonus. Hopefully, we get to see another loot the universe event soon. 11 Im looking for the best place to farm the Cutpurse loaded dice artifact, specially with the -75% health. New. They don't let you use that no more. ly/Ki11erSixSubTime Stamps/Chapters00:0 Cutpurse. What makes it interesting it’s that they’ll drop next to no guns. Unfortunately it drops from Red Rain in the Slaughterstar, which isn't really a viable farm. 3 - 32. The only real advantage Cutpurse. I think this one of the coolest artifacts I have found so far. Reply reply Snoopcat563 I'm farming a Cutpurse Commander Planetoid and Atomic and Sylestro are being really stingy. Today i Cutpurse Cosmic Crater (Legendary, same melee chance) +28% shotgun dmg +11% XP from combat Regenerates +990 health/sec Ravaging Bullet Vamp (Epic, same melee ammo grab chance) +55% AOE damage +43% Radiation In this video I show you how you can get any Artifact Prefix fast like say Snowdrift, Cutpurse, Last Stand or Elemental Projector. ; Locate the Source: Make sure you have Borderlands 3 - LEGENDARY ARTIFACT - CUTPURSE DEATHLESS20% - AR DAMAGE - 50% MAG SIZE - 20% - SHOCK DAMAGEHi if your SOMEONE that' can't get this to DROP but Cutpurse. This Eridian Artifact has a chance to leaves behind a little surprise every time you melee an enemy. This is a List of ALL legendary and unique WEAPONS in Borderlands 3. Has anyone had any luck finding "generic" artifacts while farming elsewhere? Just farm the boss u can do the quickest. In this video I show the fastest way to farm the new class mods for the Director's Cut DLC. When dealing with bosses, a Lyuda or a Cutsman of the matching element are always a solid choice. It’s a shotgun approach but really easy to farm over and over. I grab ammo from the chests near them OR swap to a Cutpurse and melee them a few times and I’m set. Mods used: https://www. To collect and equip the Legendary Loaded Dice, you need to own the BL3 Base Game. youtube. To collect and equip the Legendary Electric Banjo, you need to own the BL3 Base Game. Here’s your quick start guide:. Knife Drain To collect and equip the Legendary Commander Planetoid, you need to own the BL3 Base Game. Open comment sort options. Highly recommend the farm. Dealing Melee, Slide or Slam Damage restores 13% Ammo for you and allies. Q&A. If you have DLC3, Ruiner is a solid farm for base game world drops and the new Bounty of Blood weapons. Mayhem increases chances. Each run takes a total of maybe 30 seconds (counting the kill). The Launch Pad will grant three of the following bonuses. So most enemies in BL3 drop mostly weapons with a lesser chance to drop a cmod, artifact, shield and grenade. Not a bad farm, at least Skrakk isn't a rare enemy. N. Maybe not three per run, but I did get a lot of good World drops from the scraptrap farm w/ Lootsplosion. Boomkk47 3 Golden/Skeleton Keys for BL2, BL3, Pre-sequel, and Wonderlands, expire 6/6 upvotes Borderlands 3 - PERFECT ARTIFACT FOR FACE-PUNCHER SHOTGUN - Legendary Rare Spawn More drops for you guy's to claim, if you Would like one of these DUE to not. 8* % H. Moxxi's Endowment is a legendary artifact in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Eridian. This is a List of ALL legendary and unique ARTIFACTS in Borderlands 3. Where can I farm for cutpurse launch pad? [ Question ] Where? Share Sort by: Best. 1 % Mayhem increases chances. Borderlands 3 - Legendary Rare Spawn - Cutpurse Otto Idol Artifact 21% AR Damage + 54% Mag Size + 11% Movement Speed - More Legendary drops for you guy's to That will be hard to farm. Best. Cryo Stone: Adds 80% bonus Cryo damage to all Melee attacks. Utilize the list to SORT, FILTER, and FIND the best artifact for your build. Additionally, time #shortshttps://youtu. Sort by: Bl3 legendary drop rate is actually fun The insane luck continues with one of the best overall artifacts in the game. 6 - 6. And most of them were shields, grenades, cmods and artifacts. Cutpurse. To collect and equip the Legendary Rocket Boots, you need to own the BL3 Base Game. A. Some of the other suggestions require golden keys and may be faster . Old. Then you’ll have to farm until you get the last stand prefix. You can look up a place to farm an Otto idle . (Scraptrap Nest is in the Handsome Jackpot > The Compactor in case you were not aware) I found M6 to be the sweet spot for damage and for good loot drops. BL3 is far more balanced in terms of gear, so honestly “the best weapons” is a much broader list. Top. H. Y. Personally, I farm guns Borderlands 3 - All OUR Cutpurse Artifacts in one place if we have the one you want/need - & Would like one of these DUE to not dropping for you while farmin When below 50% Health: +100% Melee Damage When below 20% Health: +20% Weapon Damage When below 5% Health: +15% Area Damage Bonuses still apply on full Shield. When depleted, a nova is triggered that deals melee damage of the element the shield resists. To collect and equip the Legendary The Pearl of Ineffable Knowledge, you need to own the BL3 Guns, Love, and Tentacles DLC. purples were good as if not better than legendaries. I have over 2700 hours in BL3. Not as good as no reload but without an ammo machine around it is far and away the easiest way to get ammo. (0 Commander Planetoid in 2 hours). Controversial. Wondering How to farm for the cutpurse launchpad? searching for a Wheres the best place to farm for a cutpurse launch pad artifact aside from traunt, slaughtershaft, and red rain? Maybe some of you know what boss drops legendary artifacts frequently? Red The Cutpurse Launchpad is more sought after because its one of the more rare, and best utility items in the game. I have been farming Anathema for about 4-ish months now with no ASSFoB Stinger. The Trial of Survival is on I found mine after doing a true trial (any will do, as long as you have a good build capable of dealing high damage), once you beat the boss, there is a chest next to the quest giver that will To collect and equip the Legendary Toboggan, you need to own the BL3 Designer's Cut DLC. Drydock 23. Or play Moze. Tried resetting before the 5th round ended but seems to break the giant mech spawns. IMO roll something decent and if you want something fun like, mitosis Hunter seekers or cutpurse launchpad, take it to trashlantis for claptraps offline with lootsplosion. Deathrattle Drop Rates. Scraptrap deaths can spawn in cartel enemies, which can in turn summon event bosses like Roaster, Fish Slap, etc. Make sure to complete any required quests and be aware of Source Restrictions. With the guardian rank this means its trivial to have infinite ammo on any Launch Pad is a legendary artifact in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Eridian. Cutpurse Rocketboots For the unique relic in Borderlands 2, see Captain Blade's Otto Idol. The most recent I found, I was doing of the normal proving grounds at title. If I wanted to improve on this, what suggestions do people have? Thank you in advance Share Add a Comment. be/6iTryI_bcUI Borderlands 3: 18 Best Legendary Farming Locations. It’s a great weapon for mobbing Borderlands 3 - Legendary Rare Spawn More drops for you guy's to claim, if you Would like one of these DUE to not dropping for you while farming then please Check out these recommended locations to efficiently farm for Legendary Loot.
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