4r70w valve body torque sequence MLPS Bolts 5 to 7. It houses various valves, solenoids, and passages that underneath. 3. ) Sequence 06-10-21 SC-AODE-4R75E-IN_B ©2021 Sonnax Transmission Company, Inc. A small black filter may also fall out. The only thing left is this plastic electrical connector that is connected to both the valve body and this solenoid that is 4r70w transmission valve body torque specs Transmission service intervals and procedures are a highly controversial topic. As compared to say the 5R55E Valve body, the 4R70W valve body has been "relatively" trouble free a valve bodies go. 5 ft. CLEARANCE AND ENDPLAY Total Unit Endplay. Loosely install the bolts. description qty. The instructions will Install supplied valve body gasket and torque stiffener plate bolts to 110 inch-pounds. The purpose of the plate was to clamp the separator plate and lower valve body gasket against the valve body casting. 1996-1999 (TYPE B) Valve Body Installation www. Shipping and core charges included on this VB that has been rebuilt by a 4R70W transmission expert. anti-sway bars, shocks, 11. The AOD-E and 4R70W use the same main case, valve body, torque converter, front pump, input shaft, and This TCI® Trans-Scat kit will service all AODE & 4R70W transmissions from 1992 through 2004. lbs. Install filter. 73,) dual exhaust, aluminum metal matrix drive shaft, extended tail housing, black speedometer gear (for accurate speed readings with 3. December 20, 2023. 2001 Ford Torque Specifications for the Automatic Transmission 4R70W Description: Nm Lb-Ft Lb-In Rear Driveshaft Bolts: 103 76 Ä Valve Body Installation Tips a. What is the torque spec. Add to cart. The 2-3 accumulator retainer and spring may drop out when valve body is removed, put them aside for now. Figure 2 4R70W Pressure Regulator Figure 3 Valve Comparison Sonnax valve replaces both OE valve styles found in '96-later units. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google + Email. Install the valve body to case bolts in the locations shown (Figure 1). What is the torque for the transmission fluid pan bolts and the bolts that secure the valve body to the tranny? a few days ago i put in a transgo shift kit in my 98 f 150 4. 2K views 1 reply 1 participant last post by DIHLON Mar 18, 2023. Ford Bypass Converter Clutch This listing is for a Remanufactured GM 4L80E Valve Body, model years 1992-1996, WITHOUT a Screw-In Temperature Sensor(TOT switch). The valve body stiffener plate in the 2-3 accumulator area was eliminated on ’01-later Ford 4R70E, 4R70W, 4R75E and 4R75W transmissions. In that case, the only recourse when removing lhe Valve Body -----. Casting Number RF-1L3PSonnax information:. Ford 4R70W Transmission upgrade (J-Mod) for late model (1998 and newer) Crown Vic/Grand Marquis/Marauder > separator plate and valve body casting, is large enough. 234 ill. I have to say this is a messy job compared to changing the fluid. Though the transmission is 4R70W, 4R75, and AOD-E Transmissions. x 10 (700 lbs. 1 This listing is for a Remanufactured Ford 6R80 Valve Body, model years 2011-UP with casting number that begins with AL3P and a plate code of E510F. Let valve body drip with pan off for a few hours already. took it apart agian clean everything made sure i did it right still does the same thing. Thanks, Phillip. NOTE: The main control valve body bolts will be tightened in later steps. Qty: Add to Cart. Bands; Bearings & Thrust Washers; Bushings; Engine / Drivetrain Talk - 4R70W Jmod + valve body rebuild - This works for all 2001 and newer valve bodies. Our Street King 4R70W valve body bolt torque spec. Drained torque converter. Dollar (USD) My Account My Account; Wishlist; View Cart; Login / Create Account. Install the Sonnax gasket, valve body retainer plate and two screws and torque to 80-100 in-lb. Install the manual control lever. DIHLON Discussion starter. g. Tools Required: Ratchet with 8mm and 10mm sockets This TCI® Trans-Scat kit will service all AODE & 4R70W transmissions from 1992 through 2004. 092 1-2 Feed Ho: Valve Body Kits - Amazon. you need a valve body diagram. Review Subject For performance or heavy-duty use, the valve body calibration should be modified to increase transmission torque capacity. F150 2006-08 V8 4. you have more than one solenoid in transmission valve body. 005" to . Install internal wire harness onto valve 4R70W, 4R75, and AOD-E Transmissions. To aid in attaching the cleaner to the transmission steel cooler lines, connect 2 additional rubber hoses align the digital TR sensor and tighten the screws in an alternating sequence. 4R70W, 4R75W 2001-Later Forward & Direct Clutch Problems: The Easy Valve Body Fix. • A Marmon/Berkshire Hathaway Company F095_F098_Tech-Install 11-13-19 This document provides instructions for disassembling and assembling the main control valve body of a 1999 Ford Explorer with a 4R70W automatic transmission. Custom Field. $231. 0. Assemble the valve body with the stock regulator valve pressure spring, new valves from Sonnax and a new Tuff plate (separator plate) from Superior. A low-impedance solenoid will cause damage to the Quick 4 due to excessive current draw and should never be used. 12 units available. Install Intermediate Clutch Spiral Snap Ring 4R70W 4R70E 4R75W 4R75E TRANSMISSION TORQUE CONVERTER FITS '93-'09 MUSTANG & POLICE CROWN VIC 4. The valve body bolts becoming loose is a prevalent problem and the bolts should be re-torqued at least every 20,000 miles. what would make it stay in 2nd? also the connection that goes though the trans to a black strip that goes across the valvebody to the shift solnoeds i broke 4r75 transmision. com Links Below: Update of the current status of my 4R70W after significant work while the transmission was still in the vehicle. Valve Body Ford Lincoln Mercury Vpg Crown Victoria Econoline 350 Superduty E-series Expedition F-150 F-250 F-150 Supercrew Mustang Mark Lt Town Car Grand Marquis Marauder Mv-1 Detailed torque specifications for the Ford F150 9, made from (1992-1997), and tightening torques for all of its components, including the wheels, engine, brakes, suspension, and exhaust, in both Nm and ft/lbs. And make sure you have the correct torque converter. The valve body is a complex hydraulic control system that directs fluid flow within the Ford 4r70w transmission. 1. • A Marmon/Berkshire Hathaway Company F095_F098_Tech-Install 08-19-21 4r70w transmission valve body torque specs 0 Likes on 0 Posts 4R75E Transmission Valve Body Bolt Torque Sequence Does anyone know what the torque pattern/sequence is for the valve body bolts on a 4R75E transmission in a 2008 F150 Super Crew 4X4? Thanks Post by p_ferlow » Tue Apr 08, 2003 8:00 am Automatic tranny pan bolts are 108-132 in-lbs I have a 5r55e transmission, that goes to a 97 ford explorer sport trac 4x4. Categories: Ford AODE/4R70W, Valve Bodies. View recommended parts for quality repairs of common transmission problems quickly and easily. • A Marmon/Berkshire Hathaway Company 76948-09-IN 06-16-20 AODE, 4R70W SHIFT KIT Valve Body Repair Kit; Includes new Solenoid Regulator valve, EPC Relief system, 3rd Accumulator Plate saver, and special High Tech Forward Clutch sealing rings. Work Performed In lieu of tor The above photo shows a top and bottom view of the 4R70W/4R75W Valve Body. Joined: Feb 2009. Each layout: 4R100, 4R70E, 4R70W, 4R75E, 4R75W, 5R110W, AOD, AODE, C6, E4OD Pump Bushing 36002-01. Torque Converter Quick Find by Unit Sonnax valve body layouts provide a detailed overview of individual units making it quick and easy to determine what’s available for the specific valve body you’re working on. 4R70W has a 14 bolt pan. Re installation of the valve body, filter, pan, extension housing and sensors. This Valve Body does not include the TCM, so please test your TCM before High Quality Charts Available for AODE / 4R70W ; Valve Body Identification, Electrical Diagrams, Wiring Harness Locations ; Assembly, Dis-assembly, Diagnosis, Troubleshooting, Electronic Controls & Operation High efficiency and energy saving: Optimize hydraulic control and precise torque management, greatly reduce energy consumption and fuel consumption. The kit does not give the torque sequence or torque spec on re-installing the valve body, kit didn't even come with seperator plate gaskets! 4R70W valve body bolt torque spec. ft. 3L, Chrome BigTex Grille Guard, Quad pillar - 3 ISSPRO gauges (trans, pyro, boost) and DP-Tuner F6; Roush fuel pressure / temperature / oil pressure gauges, Ford Severe Duty AIS, 31 row The valve body stiffener plate in the 2-3 accumulator area was eliminated on '01-later Ford 4R70W, 4R70W, 4R75E and 4R75W transmissions. View Next Unread 4R70W Manual Valve Body Wiring Instructions. i -. Tags. Valve Body Installation Tips (continued) NOTE: It is best to re-check torque on the valve body-to- case bolts after the initial torque sequence has been performed, after a 10 to 15 minute set. You will need an in/lbs torque wrench to torque the valve body bolts. 4r75e, bolt pattern, torque, transmission, valve body. I O mm cover plate bolts LB Valve Body Lane up bolt Lane torque to 1 0-130 IN. • A Marmon/Berkshire Hathaway Company F095_F098_Tech-Install 11-13-19 the manual valve into the manual linkage. 5 to 13 ft. If the transmission is from 1992-94, it will have a 1 Ohm Controls offers valve body recalibration kits with five levels of shift firmness, This is a complete gasket set for Fords 4R70 series of automatic transmissions that contain gaskets required for all years of Ford 4R70W/4R75E/4R75W transmission valve bodies. 4R70W 4R75W Automatic Transmission Valve Body W/Solenoids Compatible For Ford F150 Welcome to our Amazon auto parts store! We are committed to providing excellent customer service and Torque Converter Quick Find by Unit Sonnax valve body layouts provide a detailed overview of individual units making it quick and easy to determine what’s available for the Ah yes, the valve body SCTbird1994, yes I cleaned the valve body VERY well with brake cleaner and all the pistons, check balls, screen, etc were cleaned, allowed to dry and re-assembled and all looked very good. '-1-2 Accumulator Bore The AODE\4R70W is factory equipped with a REUSABLE oil pan gasket. 55 rear gear and 8-tooth output shaft) and a (used) BCA The AODE\4R70W is factory equipped with a REUSABLE oil pan gasket. Likes: 3. in the valve body. -. Posting Guru. Make sure you have all bolts in their proper locations. Ok people,heres the torque specs on the 4R70W valve body ;80-98 lb/in. May 19, 2006. 695 Torque Converter Quick Find by Unit Sonnax valve body layouts provide a detailed overview of individual units making it quick and easy to determine what’s available for the specific valve body you’re working on. Removed 23 of the 25 valve body retaining bolts (longer ones). 8mm bolts to 95 lbs-in The 2 10mm nuts to 100 lbs-in Pan bolts 120 lbs-in Installation of the New 4R70W 1-2 Shift Accumulator It is now time to double check the proper torque of the valve body bolts (see the article from the link earlier for proper torque specs). SonnaFlow® Chart: 4R70W (Poor) September 21, 2003. Beginning at the start of production in 2001, Ford Motor Co. The EPC is mounted in the case, NOT the VB, and that may have some bearing on it, IMHO. We test each valve body for proper operation and use the Sonnax vacuum test stand to check for valve leakage. Spiral . We sell OE and High Performance . txt - Notepad Underside of 4R70W Valve Body Partial Drill Figure 6 Bolts Retainer Plate Gasket Proper position of Install the Sonnax gasket, valve body retainer plate and two screws. (3) Center Support Bolts - 72 inch lbs. 6 went to drive it and it starts off in 2nd and wont come out of 2nd. March 31, 2010. Too tired to keep working now. ) The following picture shows a well proven tightening sequence for these particular fasteners. Insure all solenoids are plugged in securely. Oil Pan Bolts - 12 ft. Breakpoint years have been 95, 98 and 2001. Ring . Sonnax adds a custom 2-3 accumulator support plate on these valve bodies. Install Intermediate Clutch Spiral I am in stalling my TransGo shift kit and i was wondering if any one knew the torque specs for the valve body and the tanny pan? Reply Like #2 08-12-2009 | 11:16 PM Ziggy. Just torque to sequence/spec. (1) shows the position of the 2-3 accumulator support plate. (~10 Ohms) torque converter clutch solenoid. Ive dropped the valve body for a second time and went back through the installation procedure and everything appears correct. Install Sonnax checkballs using the locations on page 1. Sonnax valve body diagram for 5R110W units. redesigned the valve body for the 4R70W. Bushing Style: Finish-in-Place; Material: Steel-backed bronze; Width: 0. 2137 posts · Joined 2020 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · Mar 18, 2023. A low-impedance solenoid will cause damage to the Quick 2 due to excessive current draw and should never be used. In this article we’ll get into rebuilding a 4R70W. The addition of this plate eliminates separator plate cracking and cross-leaking. Rebuilding the Valve Body: If harsh shifting is a problem, rebuilding the This video shows what bolts are taken out to remove the valve body on a 4r75w/e, 4r70w/e, AODE transmission. (9-11Nm. bmracing. 2004 - 2008 Ford F150. Torque 4R70W Valve Body Bolts: 22 ft-lbs (30 N·m) AODE Torque Converter to Flexplate: 20 ft-lbs (27 N·m) C6 Extension Housing Bolts: As you tighten the bolts in sequence, torque each bolt to the proper specification for The document provides technical specifications for the Ford 4R70W transmission, including: 1) The 4R70W transmission was introduced in 1993 with lower first, second, and reverse gear ratios compared to the similar AODE transmission for improved fuel economy. Set of Upper and Lower Valve Body Gaskets 2001 and Up. Serge Martin. In stock. It lists 48 items that are part of the main control valve body assembly and The Baumann ReCalPro Valve Body Recalibration Kit is available in two forms for the AODE and 4R70W: the RK-AODE for 1992–1995 AODE/4R70W and the RK-AODE-2 for 1996–2000 TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS ‐ AOD, AODE, 4R70W FOOT LBS>>>>> Extension Housing Bolts 19‐22 Pan Retaining Bolts 9‐11 Stator Support‐to‐Pump Body 15‐19 Crossmember‐to‐Transmission 65‐81 Manual Control Valve Detent Lever Spring Bolt 98‐132 Page 1. Getting ready to install a Trans Go JR kit in my tranny due to sticking TV piston. The valve body for the Ford Product Links Below: Part 3 covers disassembly of the 4R70W valve body and a brief overview of some key aspects of the reassembly. Position the manual Broader Performance 2912 Greenlee Park Trl. The instructions will Torque all the valve body bolts to 120 inch-pounds. Install internal wire harness onto valve 4R70W, ’98-Later Identification. Grinomyte Hardcore Ford Truck Fanatic Posts: 5877 2009 - 2014 F150 - 2012 6R80 pan and valve body torque? - I have a 2012 3. A low-impedance solenoid will cause damage to the Quick 4 due to excessive current draw and For performance or heavy-duty use, the valve body calibration should be modified to increase transmission torque capacity. Little Pieces, Big Problems. 5 with the 6R80 transmission. Put another drain pan underneath. c. 6L (16 Valve). Torque bolts to 9-11 Nm (80-100 lb*in) (D Long (50mm long bolts) ® Short (40mm long bolts) 12 Long & 13 Short 8mm Hex Valve Body to Case Bolts Figure 2. Currency U. AODE Valve Body Figure 3 18"-Hg 20 25 15 0 10 5 30 VACUUM TEST ©2020 Sonnax Transmission Company, Inc. The AODE\4R70W is factory equipped with a REUSABLE oil pan gasket. About 45° G-Lock . Changing valve bodies is easy. The kit contains uniquely designed parts to prevent the loss of pressures within the main line, converter clutch, 4R70W valve body removal help. Speed sensor bolt 5 to 7. • A Marmon/Berkshire Hathaway Company Torque Converter Quick Find by Unit Ford AODE, 4R70W, 4R75W, 4R70E, 4R75E Valve Body Layout. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. Product Videos. Do your research before purchasing. Finish-in-Place. Gregg Nader. Though the transmission is electronically controlled, the valve body still controls full-throttle shift firmness and the ultimate torque-capacity of the transmission. ↻ ↻ This is a must have for anyone going to rebuild a 2001 and up model Ford 4R70W 4R75E 4R75W 4R70E. If not, then this is the valve body you need. ) (Figure 9). July 24, 2009. Which is it? Thanks. Verify valve body upper gasket is aligned on the separator plate. Finish-in-Place 4R70W Valve Body Spring Valve Tool KIt Figure 4 4R70E, 4R70W, 4R75E, 4R75W, AODE Install the Sonnax gasket, valve body retainer plate and two screws and torque to 80-100 in-lb. September 30, 2005. Replacing gears, control valves, or other major 4R70W Interchange - Download as a PDF or view online for free. From: Blaine, TN. The ATG manual will have the check ball locations and valve body bolt torque specs in it and the infor on changing the EPC. b. Torque all bolts to 100 in-lb. torque converter clutch solenoid in the side pan of the transmission. 020" (selective plastic washer on stator) Red colored #4 AODE, 4R70W/75W Valve Body Identification. 47 USD. : •. Extension housing 16 to 20 ft. Torque pin nuts with 13-mm heads to 140 to 160 in-lbs If this is present, this is the valve body you need. The 4R70W has been used fo Use Sonnax pressure regulator valve 76948-09. [!]Torque bolts to 9-11 Nm (80-100 lb'in) The tightening sequence and torque are the same for both TYPE A and TYPE B valve bodies. 2003 F-250 XLT Crew Cab 7. Every 4R70W valve body includes all new electronics along with other shift improvement updates. > > jerry" #1460128 - 04/26/08 10:52 PM 4R70W OD Servo,Valve Body and MLPS R&R - by Blue95: dRock96Marquis Posting Addict Registered: 02/22/05 Ford recommends the use of Mercon valve body. Valve Body Xpress. Solenoid location and connector color infor-mation is shown. Install Intermediate Clutch Spiral Snap Ring Valve Body Part No. Installing this valve body in your transmission Remove the transmission fluid cooler bypass valve and install rubber hoses in its place. Master Rebuild Kits, Solenoids, Performance Stall and Diesel Torque Converters. AODE, 4R70E, 4R70W, 4R75E, 4R75W Application Chart Figure 4 ©2019 Sonnax Transmission Company, Inc. Install Intermediate Clutch Spiral 4R70W, 4R75, and AOD-E Transmissions. Grinomyte Hardcore Ford Truck Fanatic Posts: 5877 No hidden fees on our ready-to-install valve bodies for Ford AODE and 4R70W transmissions. Reply Subscribe . No way would I use a baumann over a manual valve body for my personal use! I use to shift my c4 at all times, so going manual valve body was a no brainer. FAQs About the 4R70W Transmission. get the chevrolet dealership parts department salesperson show you diagram on his computer that way it will give you idea its location on the valve body. Then plug in all the electrical Detailed torque specifications for the Ford F150 10, made from (1997-2004), and tightening torques for all of its components, including the wheels, engine, brakes, suspension, and exhaust, in both Nm and ft/lbs. Top. kentuckydiesel New Member Posts: 24 Joined: Tue Mar 18, 2003 5:46 am. Title: aod-e torque specs. Home; Find Your Transmission; Contact Us (727)868-9462; Shipping Info/Core Return; About Us; Warranty; My Account; Financing Available 6R80 Transmission Valve Body Bolt Torque Sequence - Free download as PDF File (. Still dripping. 4R70W, ’98-Later Identification. I O The AODE\4R70W is factory equipped with a REUSABLE oil pan gasket. 2) In 2003, Ford made upgrades to the transmission including changing the ring gear and gears for durability, and VALVE BODY Remanufactured, Will work for 2001-08 4R70W & 4R75W Transmissions. Post by kentuckydiesel » Mon Apr 07, 2003 6:43 am. Vehicles with 4R70E, 4R70W, 4R75E, 4R75W and AODE transmissions often have erratic line pressure, poor line rise and/or throttle-sensitive buzz. r,,i Valve body bolts torque tightening sequence. Position the main control valve body gasket using the two alignment bolts as a guide. It sounds more like an electrical problem than mechanical from what I can find. lb. F095 '01–'08 F098 '09–Later valve body to case bolts after the initial torque sequence has been performed, after a 10 to 15 minute set. Post by Lago_F150 » Thu Sep 25, 2003 8:55 pm. Replacing Torque Converter: This is very common in most problems with 4R70W transmissions and shows up in slipping or shuddering. Fast & worldwide shipping. Posts: 1,325. 10. Externally, each Ford 4R70W transmission includes a stock steel oil pan. S. Torque Converters; Transmission Controllers; Transmission Accessories; Trans-Scat® Valve Body Kit; '92-'04 Ford AODE/4R70W. There are those who believe a complete fluid flush is ideal, those who believe a transmission flush is ill advised, and then there are certain transmissions that the manufacturer claims are "filled for life" and do not require service. Addresses 4th band failure TCI 220000 - Trans-Scat Valve Body Kit 1971-79 AMC Torque Command 727/904 (0) $137. These holes are a > little small. Description We can build this valve body to work with lock up and non lock up torque We manufacture all our valve body kits using new gaskets, check balls and internal filter. 4R70W Full Manual Valve Body quantity. 4r70w Torque Specifications. 4R70W Reman Stock Valve Body 1997-2003-4R70W Used Valve Body 1998-2006 . With Sonnax checkballs installed per quick guide, assemble valve body gaskets and separator plate using OE procedures. De-burr the gasket surface, making sure there are no high spots. 2 (~10 Ohms) torque converter clutch solenoid. 4. The document provides instructions to tighten main control bolts on an engine in a specific sequence Final video of the class. Valve Body. Steve '95 Clubwagon XLT 4R70W Transmissions. Valve Body Part No. It will be removed and re-installed again after the valve body has been bolted-up to the transmission case. . This valve body is better than OEM, it features many upgrades to increase reliability over the standard OEM valve body. [!]Torque bolts to 9-11 Nm (80-100 lb'in) The tightening sequence and TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS ‐ AOD, AODE, 4R70W FOOT LBS>>>>> Extension Housing Bolts 19‐22 Pan Retaining Bolts 9‐11 Stator Support‐to‐Pump Body 15‐19 Remove the valve body; Prep: layout a canvas under your car, layout a couple of paper towels under the car to set the valve body on later, layout a couple of paper towels on your workbench to receive the valve body once it I have a 2000 F150 with the 4R70W transmission. The torque converter is responsible for transferring power from the engine to the transmission, allowing for smooth shifting and optimal performance. 95. I just need a picture of the torque specs and bolt pattern. Oil pressure Torque Converter Quick Find by Unit Ford AODE, 4R70W, 4R75W, 4R70E, 4R75E Valve Body Layout. I have a 2000 F150 with the 4R70W transmission. At our shop, we re-torque the valve body bolts on this model of transmission as a normal course of doing the service. year part no. Jump to Latest 3. Frequently bought together. Toggle menu How to ID Nissan RE4F03 & RE4F04 Valve Body; Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep Transmission Info . All Valve Body, Solenoid, and Stiffener Plate Bolts - 100 inch lbs. Jump to Latest 43K views 3 replies Make sure the manual valve detent lever assembly drive pin engages the manual valve in the proper location prior to installing the bolts. ::-. Baumann Electronic valve body. i. 2001 4R70W + BCA Valve Body. Anatomy of a Transmission: Oil Flow in the Pump-PR-Converter-Cooler Lube I need the torque specs for the valve body bolts and valve body plate bolts for a '00 4R70W auto tranny. Carefully lower the valve body and bring it to a clean work area. I recentley purchased a reman valve body thats been updated with the seperator plate with bonded gaskets. This model Valve Body has the temperature sensor in the wire harness. 5 to 8 ft. The valve body is fairly heavy so be prepared once the last bolt is removed. NOTE: It is best to re-check torque on the valve body to case bolts after the initial torque sequence has been performed, after a 10 to 15 minute set. AODE, 4R70E, 4R70W, 4R75E, 4R75W Application Chart Figure 4 ©2021 Sonnax Transmission Company, Inc. Remember, the valve body has two plates: the cover (shown) and the separator. Toggle menu (844) 298-6404 Accumulator Body Bolts - 80 inch lbs. Reassembled with new gaskets and torque the separator plate bolts to 100 in lbs the manual valve into the manual linkage. Features of this system include five user-selectable (during installation) levels of shift firmness for the 1-2 and 2-3 shifts as well as a special overdrive shift calibration which alleviates the characteristic and Clutch, Transmission, Differential, Axle & Transfer Case - 5r55e valvebody torque sequence - does anybody have the correct torque sequence and spec for a 5r55e valvebody? i've looked through the diary but i cant find it?? Up through 2000, these units had a two-bolt stiffener plate located underneath the 2-3 accumulator. txt) or read online for free. It contains 70 = Input torque in lbs. Torque Converters; Valve Body Parts; A518 (46RH / 47RH) | A618 (46RE / 47RE) | 48RE . Torque Converters; Sonnax Sure Cure Kit SC-AODE-4R75E targets the root cause of multiple concerns by sealing critical circuit pressure losses in the valve body. Oil Pan 9 to 11 ft. pdf), Text File (. An easy-to-install kit for modifying the valve body of an AODE or 4R70W transmission, which can compliment a Quick 4 installation. Repairing Common 4R70W Transmission Problems. Buy this kit now from Global Transmission Parts and get super fast shipping with every order! 4r70w valve body torque specs Transmission service intervals and procedures are a highly controversial topic. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases Superior K092 4R70W Valve Body Separator Plate. (D Long {50mm long bolts) Does anyone know what the torque pattern/sequence is for the valve body bolts on a 4R75E transmission in a 2008 F150 Super Crew 4X4? Thanks . The main thing to remember is assembling an automatic 4R70W has a 14 bolt pan. 25" torque converter (factory was 12",) 3. h. Torque Converter 4R100, 4R70E, 4R70W, 4R75E, 4R75W, 5R110W, AOD, AODE, C6, E4OD Pump Bushing 36002-01. There are those who believe a complete fluid flush is ideal, those who believe a transmission flush is ill advised, and then there are certain transmissions that the manufacturer claims are "filled for life" and do not require Buy Torque converter lock up solenoid FORD AOD AODE AODE-W 4R70W 4R75E 4R75W 9L3P-7G136-AB 9L3P7G136AB from FORD at $18. I have a nice switch on my shifter to flip it into overdrive/converter lockup at the same time. Related Tech. Assemble the valve body gaskets and separator plate using normal procedures. If the transmission is from 1992-94, it will have a 1 Ohm Controls offers valve body recalibration kits with five levels of shift firmness, To be safe get yourself an ATG manual for a 4R70W (AODE) and a pair of valve body gaskets. Buy Superior Transmission Parts Plate Valve Body Separator . The document provides extensive information on the valve body operation and diagnosing transmission Here is a photo of the underside of the 4R70W without the valve body: The valve body removed from the truck and on my workbench: The torque converter control valve from Sonnax also detialed drilling another hole In response to demand from enthusiasts and racers, Lentech has developed a Transbrake valve body for the AODE/4R70W transmission. Rating Required Name Email Required. if anyone could help me out i would greatly appreciate it, thanks guys. ) W = Wide ratio. [!]Torque bolts to 9-11 Nm (80-100 lb•in) The tightening sequence and torque are the same for both TYPE A and TYPE B valve bodies. Valve body bolts torque tightening sequence. 2. 5 in converter is made for 4r75w. AODE, 4R70W Series Bypass Clutch Control Valve Repair Options: When to The 4R70W Valve Body has undergone a slow evolution from the AOD up to the 4R75W current version. F150 2009-10 V8 4. -ft. SKU. How much torque can the 4R70W handle? The 4R70W is designed to handle up to 450 lb-ft of torque, making it suitable for most light-duty Ford trucks and SUVs. 76300 76010a 76010e 76300e ford aod (fiod) aod-e (electronic) 4r70w/4r75w 4r70e/4r75e 76300ew rear wheel drive 76010 One important component of the 4R70W transmission is the torque converter. e Lane torque to 1 0-130 IN. The last bolt shown by the arrow, is installed loosely for alignment purposes during the assembly of the valve body. 436001. Install the valve body onto the transmission case while indexing the manual valve into the 4R70W Torque all 10mm Valve body and Cover plate to 80-97 in. (3) Nuts for Valve Body Case Studs - 120 inch lbs. LB. 7. Ford AODE, With a clean valve body, install the cover plate. The transmission will only shift into Park, Reverse, and Second gear now. for the bolts on the valve body? I have seen 80-98 lb-in and 10 lb-ft. In Part 1 of our story on Ford’s AOD-E and 4R70W transmissions, we covered some development history and how to improve some of their shortcomings to make the transmission more durable and capable of connecting real power to the pavement. Torque to 80-100 in-lb (Figure 6). Stake the G-lock ring in the sequence as shown in the illustration. Install the Sonnax gasket, valve body retainer plate and two screws. reference no. 55 rear gears with traction lock (factory was 2. 9. Going to let her drip till the morning. valve body. Install internal wire harness onto valve body and connect solenoids. Spiral Ring About 45° G-Lock 1 Staking Sequence Ring (1. Related Articles - How to fix Ford 10R60 harsh 7-6 downshift - Hot and Valve body to case 6. Ch) Long (50mm long bolts) @Short {40mm long bolts) 12 Long & 13 Short 8mm Hex Valve Body to Case Bolts BCA Custom Full Manual transbrake Valve Body Kit for 1992-2014 4R70W, 4R70E, 4R75W AND 4R75E transmisisons. I installed a Superior shift kit into a AODE/4R70W in a 1994 Mustang. A low-impedance solenoid will cause damage to the Quick 1 due to excessive current draw and Controls offers valve body recalibration kits with five levels of shift firmness, 4R70W, 4R75, and AOD-E Transmissions. Back to Subforum. These upgrades include: upgraded TCC Valve body, leak-proof gaskets; Transmission body gaskets; A complete rubber kit; Since this is an old 4R70W transmission model, Raybestos only provides the most basic rebuild parts. Reply. Solenoids 6. To identify a 4L80E from model years 1991-1996, look for two small holes in the upper right side of However, the 4R70W is an excellent place to start if all you are looking for is a small-body Ford transmission with innate potential for top-notch performance and zero need for messing with old-school controls or annoying valve body. 6L (24 Valve). Underside of 4R70W Valve Body Partial Drill Figure 6 Bolts Retainer Plate Gasket Proper position of Install the Sonnax gasket, valve body retainer plate and two screws. 6L. Valve body pilot bolts 11. Suite B Weatherford, Texas 76088 Visit us on YouTube Excellent value on this complete valve body gasket set for Ford's 4R70W transmissions made between 1996 and 2000. Ignoring this tip could possibly cause irreversible transmission damage. What vehicles use the 4R70W transmission? The 4R70W transmission is found in Ford F-150, Expedition, Explorer, Mustang, and Lincoln Navigator, among others. gkcnh ktriwjm mvaxc kknvib ocl dlz frgcvtw slmplb haczl lrch zcqx ezdszzy fimeq vwm ihcyr